QSAR Study on the Toxicity of Nitroaromatic Compounds to Scenedesmus obliquus 硝基芳烃对斜生栅列藻毒性的定量构效关系研究
Antibacterial Activity of Different Extracts from Sclerote of Inonotus obliquus on Bacteria 任何属于牛肝菌的菌类。桦褐孔菌菌核提取物对细菌抑菌活性研究
Ecological Toxicity of Di (-2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate on Scenedesmus Obliquus 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯对斜生栅藻的生态毒性作用
Synthesis of Niobium-oxide Nano-materials and Investigation of Their Properties STUDY ON EXTRACTING TECHNOLOGY OF ANTIOXIDANT BIO-ACTIVE COMPONENTS FROM INONOTUS OBLIQUUS 铌氧化物纳米材料的合成及性质研究桦褐孔菌抗氧化活性物质的提取工艺
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible mechanism of anticancer activity of the extracts from Inonotus obliquus and its association with the phase of cell cycle. 目的:探讨桦褐孔菌提取物对肿瘤细胞周期的影响及其抗癌的作用机制。
Research on Deep Cultivation of Inonotus Obliquus and Extraction Technology and Antitumor Activity of Its Polysaccharides 桦褐孔菌深层培养及其多糖提取工艺和抗肿瘤活性研究
The Effects of Four Kinds of Insecticides on Growth of Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus 4种杀虫药物对斜生栅藻生长的影响
Optimization of the Polysaccharide Accumulation by Inonotus Obliquus in Submerged Fermentation 响应面法优化桦褐孔菌胞外多糖发酵条件
Optimum Conditions of Inonotus Obliquus Fermentation and Chemical Properties of Polysaccharide 桦褐孔菌深层培养条件及其多糖化学性质的研究
Study on Antioxidant Activity and Extraction Separation of Ethanol Crude Extracts from Inonotus Obliquus 桦褐孔菌醇提物的萃取分离及其抗氧化活性研究
Fermentation of Inonotus obliquus and Development of Health Beverage with Its Fermentation Product 桦褐孔菌液体发酵及保健饮料的研制
Study on Extracting Technology of antioxidant bio-active components from Inonotus obliquus 桦褐孔菌抗氧化活性物质的提取工艺
Study on the Ultrasonic Microwave Assisted Extraction Technology of Polysaccharides from Inonotus obliquus 超声-微波辅助提取桦褐孔菌多糖的工艺研究
Study on Inonotus obliquus Different Fermentation Liquid Extraction's inhibitory Effect on cancer in vitro 桦褐孔菌不同发酵液提取物体外对癌细胞抑制作用的研究
Studies on the Antioxidant Activities and Glycosidase Inhibitory Effects of Different Extracts from Inonotus obliquus 桦褐孔菌提取物抗氧化与糖苷酶抑制活性研究
Study on effects of the antioxidant extract of inonotus obliquus in vivo antioxidant 桦褐孔菌抗氧化提取物体内抗氧化作用研究
Study on the Extraction and Determination of Polysaccharides in Inonotus obliquus 桦褐孔菌多糖的提取及含量测定方法的研究
The Acute Toxicity of Combined Pollution of Perchlorate and Chromium to Scenedesmus Obliquus 高氯酸盐与铬复合污染对斜生栅藻的急性毒理效应
The accumulation of astaxanthin and the response of photosynthetic activity in Scenedesmus obliquus 斜生栅藻中虾青素的积累过程及其光合活性变化
Anastomotic cut leakage, nub leakage and obliquus syndrome caused by high pressure were prevented effectively. 有效防止高压造成的吻合口漏和残端漏及倾倒综合征等。
OBJECTIVE To observe the effects of anti-proliferation and inducing apoptosis on BGC-823 human gastric cancer cell line induced by extracts from Inonotus obliquus and the protein expressions of apoptosis-related gene in vitro, and provide the experimental evidence for Inonotus obliquus extracts as a new anti-tumor fungus drug. 目的:在体外实验中,观察桦褐孔菌提取物对人胃癌BGC-823细胞株的抗增殖和诱导凋亡作用及凋亡相关基因表达的影响,为其成为防治肿瘤的菌类药物提供实验依据。
The DNA of Inonotus obliquus strains were extracted successfully by improved CTAB method. 采用改良CTAB法成功提取了桦褐孔菌菌丝体DNA。
Writhing test and hot plate test were used to study analgesic effects of the fermentation extract polysaccharide of Inonotus obliquus. 以醋酸致小鼠腹部收缩试验和热板致小鼠足部疼痛试验为模型,对桦褐孔菌发酵浸膏多糖的镇痛作用进行了研究。
In this paper, fermentation products were cultured by liquid submerged fermentation. The chemical constitutions of the fermented products from Inonotus obliquus were performed systematically. The extraction, purification, pharmacological activity of compounds were studied. 本文通过液体深层发酵,获得大量发酵产物,并对其化学成分进行系统的研究,对其单体化合物进行提取分离,并对单体化合物的药理活性进行研究。
Polysaccharide extracting is used the methods of reduced pressure concentration technology and alcohol precipitation for mycelia of Inonotus obliquus. 同时采用减压浓缩技术、醇沉法对桦褐孔菌菌丝体的多糖提取。
Inonotus obliquus ( Fr.) pilat is a very rare and valuable medicinal fungus, it is called Chaga in Russia, the conventional medicinal part is the sclerotia. 桦褐孔菌(Inonotusobliquus(Fr.)pilat)是一种十分珍稀而名贵的药用真菌,俄语名Chaga,常规药用部位是菌核。
The carbon source, nitrogen source and C/ N suitable for, and microelements and vitamin needed for the submerged culture of Inonotus obliquus were studied in this article. 本文研究了桦褐孔菌液体发酵适合的碳源、氮源、碳氮比及其所需的微量元素和维生素。
Acute toxicity test, the mice sperm deformity test and the micronucleus in bone marrow cells test were used to evaluate the acute toxicity and genetic toxicity of fermentation extract polysaccharide of Inonotus obliquus. 通过急性毒性试验、小鼠精子畸形试验及骨髓细胞微核试验对桦褐孔菌发酵浸膏多糖的急性毒性和遗传毒性进行评价。
The results were as follows: Inonotus obliquus D with high grow speed, dense hyphae and high yield of polysaccharide was screened. 结果如下:1.通过对桦褐孔菌W和D菌株的筛选,发现D菌株生长快,菌丝致密,多糖产量高,同时对其菌落形态和菌丝形态进行了比较,确定菌株D为出发菌株。
Therefore, artificial cultivation of fruiting body of Inonotus obliquus is very necessary. Liquid culture is an effective way to increase production of Inonotus obliquus. Then it can offer sufficient raw materials for the research and development of Inonotus obliquus. 因此,人工培养桦褐孔菌子实体或菌丝体非常必要,运用液体深层发酵生产桦褐孔菌菌丝体是一条有效的途径,这为研究和开发桦褐孔菌提供了充足的原材料。