Of, relating to, or characteristic of a bulb, especially of the medulla oblongata. 球茎的,延髓的:关于或具有鳞茎,球的特点的,尤指延髓的。
Role of Glycine in the Modulation of Rhythmical Respiration and Discharge Activities of Respiratory Neurons in the Medulla Oblongata Slice Preparation of Neonatal Rats 甘氨酸在新生大鼠离体延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电及呼吸神经元电活动中的作用
Sixteen tumors were located in the midbrain, three in the pons, and one in the medulla oblongata. 其中16人肿瘤定位在中脑,3人在脑桥,1人在延髓。
Objective To know the ultrastructure and function of synapse in mammal's medulla oblongata megacell reticular nucleus. 目的探讨哺乳动物延髓巨细胞网状核内突触的超微结构及其功能。
Objective To study the expression change of NMDA receptor in medulla oblongata cardiovascular center of the rats after CPR. 目的研究心肺复苏后大鼠延髓心血管中枢NMDA受体的表达变化。延髓头端腹外侧区在躯体传入冲动抑制中枢性心肌缺血中的作用(文摘)
Influence of endogenous opioid peptides in medulla oblongata on effect of electroacupuncture resisting myocardial ischemia 延髓内阿片肽对电针抗心肌缺血效应的影响
Effect of glial cell metabolism on respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in neonatal rat medulla oblongata slices 胶质细胞代谢对新生大鼠离体延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电的影响
A large cordlike bundle of nerve fibers lying on either side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum. 一种大型线状神经纤维束,位于延髓任一侧,并将它与小脑相接。
The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata. 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。
The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain. 脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。
ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level, and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture. 目的观察支配耳甲区迷走神经在延髓水平中枢的投射情况,探讨耳针作用机理。
Then, HRP was injected into the area where the phrenic motor neurons occupied, retrograde labelled neurons were found in medulla oblongata. 目的观察大鼠延髓呼吸性神经元向脊髓膈运动神经元的直接投射。
Located below the cerebral hemispheres and behind the upper medulla oblongata and pons, each of its two connected hemispheres has a core of white matter within a cortex of gray matter. 位于大脑半球的后下方和延髓的上面,分为左右两半球,每侧半球由中央白质和表层灰质所构成,分成三叶。
Codeine phosphate tablets can do effects on the central cough, have selectively inhibited cough center of the medulla oblongata, relieving cough stronger and faster. 磷酸可待因片对中枢性止咳药,对延髓的咳嗽中枢有选择性地抑制,镇咳作用强而迅速。
Study on the Distribution of Neuropeptide Y in the Medulla Oblongata and Cerebellum of Aves 神经肽Y在几种鸟纲动物延髓和小脑内的分布研究
Objective To provide morphological basis for posterior cranial fossa operation and nerve intervenient treatment which can protect the vessels in ventral lateral region of medulla oblongata. 目的为后颅窝手术和神经介入治疗提供保护延髓腹外侧部血管的形态学依据。
Ultrastructural changes in medulla oblongata reticular formation were studied by transmission electron microscope ( TEM). 用透射电镜观察了延脑网状结构的超微结构变化。
The results showed that OB-Rb mRNA was located in the thalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata in Landrace pigs. 结果表明,OB-RbmRNA标记神经元在长白三元杂交猪丘脑、小脑和延髓内均有分布。
Objective: To locate the related position of noxious dental pulp sensory input in medulla oblongata. 目的:研究牙髓伤害性信息在延髓传入的相关部位。
Objective: To investigate the forms and characteristics of gastric mucosal hemorrhages occurring after medulla oblongata injuries in animals. 目的:通过动物实验,观察延髓损伤引起胃粘膜出血的表现形式和特点。
Distribution of afferent fibers in ventral spinal roots to the spinal cord and medulla oblongata 脊神经前根传入纤维在脊髓和延髓的分布
In the high dosage group, three types of Fos positive expression appeared in ventrolateral medulla oblongata nucleus. 在高剂量组的延髓腹外侧区出现3种Fos阳性细胞:胞核阳性、胞浆阴性;
Microsurgical anatomy of the arteries of brain stem& the arteries of mesencephalon and medulla oblongata 脑干动脉的显微外科解剖&中脑和延髓的动脉
Effect of Pressor Area of Ventral Surface of Medulla Oblongata on Renal Sympathetic Nerves Activity in Rabbits 家兔延髓腹侧表面加压区对肾交感神经电活动的影响
Conclusions Surgical treament may fully decompress the medulla oblongata and ameliorate the clinical syndromes. 结论手术使延颈髓充分减压,可有效缓解临床症状,并对脊髓空洞症有明显的治疗作用。
The projections from the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata to the periaqueductal gray in the cat& HRP study 猫中脑、脑桥和延髓向导水管周围灰质的纤维投射一HRP法研究
It is generally believed that the medulla oblongata is the one of the tonicity sources of cardiovascular regulation. 延髓腹外侧区为心血管调节的紧张性冲动来源之一。
The veins of the medulla oblongata and pons 延髓和脑桥的静脉
Localization of long form leptin receptor mRNA in thalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata in pigs 猪丘脑、小脑和延髓内Leptin长形受体mRNA的分布定位