Main products of Buffet Crampon are include: clarinets, oboes and brass instruments at all kinds of levels. 目前公司主要销售的产品包括各个级别的单簧管、双簧管以及铜管。
Many of the arias included parts by solo instruments: recorders, oboes, clarinets, viola d'amore, mandolins, that showcased the range of talents of the girls. 许多咏叹调包含独奏乐器部分,如直笛、双簧管、竖笛、提琴、曼陀铃可显示出女孩们的天赋范围。
Jan Dismas Zelenka, six trio sonatas for two oboes, bassoon and basso continuo. 简泽兰卡,六首为两只双簧管,一只大管谱写的三重奏及一首巴松协奏曲。