After nursing and observating 66 cases of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS), before and after surgery, we conclude that experiences for health education and psychological nursing before and after surgery are important. 通过对66例阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症患者术前、术后的护理及观察,总结了护理体会。
Radon measuring technology is applied to observating ground subsidence in mining area. 以东山煤矿地表观测站为例,把测氡技术引入地表开采沉陷观测中。
Objective: Observating the analgesic effect of three ladders pain analgesic to late cancer patients. 目的:观察三阶梯止痛对晚期癌症病人的止痛效果。
Objective: By observating the level of motilin and the facts of effecting gastrointestinal function, to explore the clinical effect of Li Qi Tong Fu Tang on early recovery of of patients after gynecological operation. 目的:通过观察妇科腹部术后胃动素的变化,以及对可能影响术后胃肠功能恢复因素的研究,探讨理气通腑汤对妇科腹部术后胃肠功能恢复的影响。
Objective To evaluate the value of three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound ( 3D-CDU) on observating vascular morphology of VX_2 tumors in rabbits. 目的评价三维彩色多普勒超声(3D-CDU)成像技术对兔VX2肿瘤血管形态学观察的价值。
In order to analyze the reason of unsatisfactory pattern in which spectral lines interveined each other, X-ray diffraction experiment and observating surface of muscovite were conducted. 为了分析谱线图像数据相互混叠、相互交错的原因,对丹巴天然云母还进行了X射线单晶衍射实验与表面观察实验。
Most forest tourisms refer to forest eco-tourisms, which stress on observating and coming to realize the mystery of forest eco-system, acquiring new knowledge, and as a result, loving our nature. 森林旅游多数就是森林生态旅游,以观察、感悟森林生态系统神奇奥秘为主,从中获得新知,热爱自然。
Observating and Analysing the Coriander Infected Leaves 'Ultrastructure 芫荽病叶细胞超微结构的观察与分析
Method Applying fly cage to catch flies, investigating the number and kinds of them once in ten days for one year and observating an average catching fly ( number/ cage/ day). 方法:采用捕蝇笼诱捕法,每旬调查一次,开展周年季节消长观察,以平均诱获蝇数计算种群密度(只/笼/日)。
Observating Efficacy of Using~ ( 32) P to Treat Patients of Hyperplasia Disease ~(32)磷治疗瘢痕增生性病变的疗效观察
When the operation of horizontal pendulum tiltmeter diverged from the original-equilibrium plane, there exist the intersection influence which will bring some error to the observating records, therefore lower precision of γ value will be influenced. 水平摆倾斜仪偏离起始平衡面工作时,存在有交互影响,它给观测记录带来误差,从而影响γ因子的精度。
A method for judging gross error of observating data 判断观测数据过失误差的方法
The image analysis technique had been also used in observating the capillary density at both sides of ventricle walls and its papillary muscles and in comparing to the left ventricular wall. 用图像分析仪对左、右心室壁及乳头肌的毛细血管密度和支数进行了对比。
Tracer Observating Technology and Its Application in the Small Fault-Block Reservoir, Machang Oilfield 示踪剂井间监测技术在马厂小断决油田的应用
AchE stain method was used for observating the change of cholinergic fiber density. 用AchE染色法观察损伤切口两侧纤维密度的变化。
Sampling and Observating Technique in Evaluation of Spray-Performance for Plane Spraying Equipment 飞机喷雾设备雾化性能评价的采样、观测技术
Exercise. Observating Wall Motion Amplitude of Normal Individuals on Anatomic M-mode Echocardiogram 应用解剖M-型超声心动图观察正常人心室壁运动幅度
Objective: Through observating the clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine "Zaoxiefang" treating premature ejaculation with yin deficiency and yang excess, to find a new therapy of premature ejaculation with traditional Chinese medicine. 研究目的:通过观察早泄方治疗阴虚阳亢型早泄的临床疗效,进一步探讨中医中药对早泄治疗的临床干预效果。
Outline the general process of inclinometer accessing the tube installation and observating data, Facing against the current problems in use of inclinometer, the paper points out some notices over the phases and procedures. 总结测斜管安装和观测数据获取的一般过程,针对当前测斜仪应用中的问题指出各个步骤所应当注意的事项。
Review three standard digital X-ray film and CT scan one or two week after surgery hips. Observating the results of fracture reduction and wound healing. 手术治疗后1-2周复查患髋X线片,观察骨折复位结果及切口愈合情况。
The main results were as follows: 1. Six self-incompatible lines and three male sterile lines were gained from observating and evaluating of ninety-six broccoli materials. 试验取得了以下研究结果:1.通过对征集到的96份材料的观测和评价,选育出6个自交不亲和系。