Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'. 《柯林斯英语词典》给“工作狂”一词下的定义是“一个过分沉溺于工作中的人”。
He's rude to her friends and obsessively jealous 他对她的朋友很无礼而且嫉妒心重。
She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing. 她有洁癖,整天不是用吸尘器吸尘,就是擦来擦去。
They dont obsessively check their email, and they try not to dwell on work-related issues. 他们不会一直检查邮箱,不会思考和工作有关的问题。
Investors who are obsessively watching that euro-dollar rate risk missing another, equally interesting shift under way in the markets& this time between yen interest rates and euro rates. 仅专注于欧元-美元利差的投资者,可能会漏看当前市场上另一个同样有趣的转变&这次是日元和欧元利率的关系。
I am obsessively punctual. 我是个极其守时的人。
I know, because I've spent the past fortnight obsessively staring at footballers 'feet and making notes. 我知道这些是因为我在过去的两周中一直紧盯着球员的战靴并做了笔记。
It may also help you relax and avoid obsessively checking your e-mail during lunch. 这样做也能帮助你放松下来,避免在午休时间还要查看邮件。
It's up to you how obsessively you want to clean your mobile devices, but health and electronics experts advise wiping down your mobile device with a moist microfiber cloth at least daily for basic sanitation and upkeep. 想要把你的电子设备清洁到什么程度,这完全取决于你自己,但是健康与电子器件专家建议,为了基本的卫生与保养,至少每天一次地使用湿润的超细纤维布来擦拭你的移动设备。
I studied his case obsessively. 我强迫性地研究他的案子。
I check messages obsessively through the day and at night, too, when I can't sleep. 我整天着迷一样查阅邮件,在晚上我睡不着觉的时候也会这样。
Even if when I had a little hope, I thought obsessively what would happen over the last few days or the last hours before dying. 即使我还有一点希望,我也会沉迷地想象死前的最后几天或者最后几个小时会发生什么事。
It also meant that he counted obsessively when he walked. 这还意味着他会一边走路一边发狂地数数。
Occupy urgently or obsessively. 迫切地或者着迷地占据。
I know I am 47 and that I am a responsible person, obsessively punctual and conscientious. 我知道,我47岁了,是一个负责任的人,特别守时,而且尽职勤勉。
When your relationship is over, the bleak prospect of going back to the rules can drive you to the brink of despair, making you pine obsessively for your lost love to return and free you again. 当你的关系结束时,回到过去的框框中这一暗淡前景会让你到达绝望的边缘,让你着魔似地渴求失去的爱情再回来,并重新让你获得自由。
The "fright flights" of last summer still have me so rattled that I found myself obsessively watching the weather forecast for Berlin while I prepared to give a speech in Oslo. 去年夏季的“惊魂飞行”迄今仍然让我惶恐不安,当我准备去奥斯陆作演讲时,我在柏林会一直不停地关注天气预报。
She diets and exercises obsessively. 她节食和运动都过分。
Here's one scenario: Husband David is obsessively neat and organized. 有这样一幕剧;丈夫戴维是一个非常爱整洁和有条理的人。
He was obsessively interested in every single detail about my early life. 他对我早期生活的每一个细节都着了魔似地感兴趣。
I have been accused of being obsessively neat, and sometimes I wonder if he mimics me or if he was born that way, too. 有人说我过分爱整洁,可我有时想那狗是在学我样呢,还是它生来也是如此。
He's a liberal, but not a screechy partisan. Indeed, he seems obsessively eager to find common ground with conservatives. 他是位自由主义者,但不是喜欢尖叫的游击队员。他似乎热切渴望找到与保守派人士的共同点。
It became a mission of mine to pursue obsessively a livelihood where I could look forward to Monday morning rather than dread it. 痴迷地寻找一种令我期待而非惧怕周一早晨的谋生之道,成了我的一项使命。
This business of ranking people obsessively according to their age relative to my own is something I have been doing ever since I could count. 我从学会数数起,就一直着了魔地比较别人和我自己的年龄,并据此论资排辈。
My belief is that we already know these desires, and that recognizing them requires only one thing: We must stop listening so obsessively to our minds. 我认为我们已经知道了它们;承认它们需要的只有一件东西:我们必须停止”执着“地倾听我们的思维。
These miniatures are obsessively precise. 这些模型太过精准了。
During my sabbatical from the Financial Times, I have obsessively e-mailed strangers on an adultery website, thereby taking part in what I find is the hottest recessionary activity in town. 我从英国《金融时报》休假期间,着了魔地给一家婚外情网站上的陌生人发电子邮件,也由此参与了堪称经济衰退时期伦敦城最红火的活动。
And we fully expect him to obsessively follow this investigation. 我们确信他强迫自己跟踪我们这次调查。