Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law. 蓄意阻挠通常在执行法律阶段最为常见。
And part of the outcome of this gamble depends on whether voters perceive Republican opposition as a principled stand against pointless spending, or an example of simple obstructionism. 这场赌博的结局还在一定程度上取决于选民究竟是会把共和党的反对看作是坚持原则、和无谓支出做斗争,还是存心在这里搅局。
And because of the guaranteed Russian obstructionism of any action through the UN Security Council, the UN cannot galvanize the world to act as it should. 由于俄罗斯必定会通过联合国安理会阻碍任何行动,联合国无法调动全世界采取应有的行动。
I think I would hate being in politics because I would be so frustrated by the fact that you just can't do it. Instead of saying 'This is a good idea' and 'Let's make this work' there's obstructionism. 我想我会讨厌涉身政治,因为办不了事情会让我非常沮丧。在政坛,人们不会说这办法不错、就这么办吧,而是去刻意阻挠。
Critics see the courts as too often serving as pawns in interest groups'campaigns of delay and obstructionism, sabotaging the coherence of orderly program administration. 批评家们认为,法院在利益集团的拖延和阻碍之争以及在破坏有秩序的项目执行的连贯性中,过于经常地起着抵押品的作用。
The era of international bickering and cold war obstructionism has finally ended. 国际争吵和冷战蓄意阻挠的时代终于结束了。
Many NATO officials retort that it is French obstructionism that is soul-destroying. 许多北约官员反驳道,是法国存心妨碍才令同盟灵魂毁灭。
The government were defeated by the obstructionism of their opponents. 政府受到反对派阻挠而挫败。
Finally, to the extent that the recovery was not stronger, the obstructionism of Republicans in Congress has to bear a sizeable part of the blame. 最后,对于此次经济复苏不够强劲的说法,国会中蓄意阻挠提案的共和党人也应该承担相当大的一部分责任。
For Mr Romney and his party the danger is clear: the Republicans'intolerant obstructionism could drive independents away. 罗姆尼领导的政党面临的问题很明确:共和党人小肚鸡肠蓄意搞破坏的作风会让他们失去大批中间派选民。