Methods: Patients with occipitocervical instability due to malformations, fracture or tumor underwent OCF with CD cervical system. 方法:对23例因先天性发育畸形、陈旧性骨折脱位及肿瘤所致的上颈椎不稳者在行枕颈融合术同时应用枕颈内固定系统行枕颈部内固定术。
Occipitocervical Arthrodesis in Children 儿童颈枕融合
Conclusion: A transfer with vessel pedicle of the occipital periosteum flap could be designed and used in repairing the defects of occipitocervical bone. 结果提示可设计带骨膜血管蒂的枕骨骨膜瓣向下翻转植骨修复枕颈部骨缺损。
Objective: To study and summarize the associated factors and countermeasure of revision after occipitocervical surgery. 目的:研究和总结枕颈部后路手术翻修的原因并寻求对策。
To provide anatomic basis of cranial outer table flap pedicled with the occipital artery for occipitocervical fusion. 目的:为带枕血管蒂的颅骨(膜)瓣转位枕颈融合术提供解剖学基础。
Of them were male with the tumors involving the middle fossa and 1 female with the tumor in the occipitocervical and occipitobasilar areas. 4例男性,肿瘤侵犯颅中凹;1例女性,肿瘤破坏枕颈和枕底区。
Biomechanical evaluation of different posterior occipitocervical fixation techniques Occipitocervical fusion and fixation 枕颈部后路不同内固定的生物力学比较枕颈部融合固定术
Occipitocervical Fixation with the Posterior CCD System in the Treament of Cranio-Cervical Junction Diseases 后路CCD系统行枕颈固定治疗颅颈交界区疾病
All patients were followed up from 3 months to 3 years, average 1.4 years. Pain of occipitocervical region was in 1 case. 术后随访3个月 ̄3年,平均1.4年,颈枕部疼痛1例;
Characteristics of medal frame internal fixation system in the occipitocervical fusion 自制金属框架内固定在枕颈融合术中的应用特点
Revision of posterior occipitocervical surgery: causes and countermeasure 枕颈部后路手术翻修的原因和对策
Perioperative Care for Occipitocervical Decompression and Dural Plasty in Chiari Malformation Associated with Scoliosis CHIARI畸形伴脊柱侧凸患者行枕大孔扩大成形术的围术期护理
Conclusions Maxillofacial fractures combined with the occipitocervical junction injuries are usually ligament injuries, with radiologic characteristics of avulsion fracture, occipitocervical subluxation and atlantoaxial rotary dislocation. 结论颌面部外伤骨折合并上颈椎损伤多为韧带型损伤,影像学特点为小片的撕脱性骨折及枕颈半脱位、寰枢椎旋转性半脱位;
The fixation of atlantoaxial was performed in 11 cases and occipitocervical fixation in 1 case. 松解后11例获得解剖复位,行寰枢椎固定;1例部分复位,行枕颈融合。
Application of computed tomography angiography in the occipitocervical surgery CT血管造影技术在枕颈手术中的应用
[ Objective] To report the initial outcomes of occipitocervical fixation using plate-rod-polyaxial screw system and investigate whether this new system offers any advantage over other existing methods of fixation. [目的]报道板-棒-多轴螺钉系统后路枕颈固定的初步疗效,探讨与其它内固定比较的优势。
[ Conclusion] These initial data indicate that posterior occipitocervical fixation using plate-rod-polyaxial screw system is safe and reliable, and satisfactory clinical outcome can be obtained. [结论]板-棒-多轴螺钉系统后路枕颈固定安全可靠,取得了满意的临床疗效。
Conclusion: Cranial outer table flap pedicled with the occipital artery could be used in occipitocervical fusion. 结论:以枕动脉为蒂颅骨外板骨(膜)瓣转位行枕颈融合的术式具有可行性。
Occipitocervical fusion and fixation 枕颈部融合固定术
Occipitocervical Decompression Combined with Drainage for Treatment of Chiari Malformation Accompanied by Syringomyelia 枕颈减压、脊髓空洞穿刺抽液治疗Chiari畸形合并脊髓空洞症
Objective To observe the effect of occipitocervical fusion for old atlanto-axial joint dislocation under fixation of Halo frame. 目的观察在Halo架固定下枕颈融合治疗陈旧性寰枢关节脱位的效果。
Posterior occipitocervical fixation using C_2 pedicle screws and occipitocervical plate systems Biomechanical evaluation of different posterior occipitocervical fixation techniques 使用枢椎椎弓根螺钉和枕颈固定板的枕颈融合术
Occipitocervical Fusion for Old Atlanto-axial Joint Dislocation under Fixation of Halo Frame Halo架固定下枕颈融合治疗陈旧性寰枢关节脱位
The combined craniocervical junction injuries included atlantoaxial rotary dislocation in six cases, occipital condyle avulsion fracture in two and occipitocervical subluxation in two. 合并颅颈交界区损伤有:枕颈脱位2例,枕骨髁撕脱骨折2例,寰枢椎旋转性半脱位6例。
Fusion of reconstructed titanic plate, vertebral pedical screws and autogenous granulated cancellous bone graft in posterior occipitocervical region 重建钛板枢椎椎弓根螺钉及颗粒状植骨枕颈融合术
Objective: To investigate the surgical treatment of complicated occipitocervical malformation. Selection of the Method of Operative Decompression and Internal Fixation for Complicated Occipitocervical Malformation 目的:探讨复杂寰枕畸形的外科手术方法。复杂寰枕畸形的手术减压和内固定选择
Objective To evaluate the application of computed tomography angiography in the occipitocervical surgery. 目的评价在枕颈手术中应用术前CT血管造影(CTA)技术的价值。
Objective To introduce the basic methods of occipitocervical fusion and fixation. 目的介绍枕颈融合固定的基本方法。