The incidence of occlusal caries in present day population has increased and caries lesion develop slowly underneath the enamel. 但牙合面龋所占比例却有所增加,常表现为在表面正常的牙釉质下向深层发展。
Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients 稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析
Methods The finite element analysis was employed and the strain values of the base model were calculated in vitro study with or not centric occlusal interference; 方法采用有限元法依次对有无正中牙合干扰的上总义齿基托模型进行计算分析;
This retrospective study was performed to investigate the relationship between fracture of tooth which had taken root canal treatment and occlusal relationship, materials and degree of wearing. 以根管治疗后累及髓底的纵裂牙为研究对象,根管治疗有大面积缺损未发生纵裂的患牙作对照,比较咬合关系、牙体磨耗程度、充填材料与牙纵裂的关系。
AIM: To observe the effects of periodontal and orthodontic treatment on patients of periodontitis with crowding and occlusal traumatic teeth. 目的:探讨牙周炎伴牙列拥挤病人在常规牙周治疗和正畸治疗后的牙周改善情况。
Objective To observe the effect of position of occlusal disturbance on condyle track during protrusive movement. 目的研究下颌前伸运动过程中,干扰发生部位对髁突运动轨迹的影响。
New occlusal contact was built, which not only changed face-shape and tooth, but also resumed the function of chew system, tooth surrounding tissue and temporomandibular joint, TMJ. 所建立的新型的咬合接触关系不仅改善了面型及牙齿的美观,并且恢复了咀嚼系统的功能、牙周支持组织和颞下颌关节的组织结构功能。
Objective? To study the effect of occlusal trauma on the ultra structure of rabbits ′ temporomandibular joints ( TMJ) synovial membrane and articular cartilage. 目的?研究(牙合)创伤对家兔颞下颌关节滑膜和软骨的影响。
In addition, we discussed the principles of occlusal guidance, discrepancy of tooth morphology, anchorage control, maxillary canine contouring and clinical attention in the treatment of malocclusion. 此外也针对以空隙关闭法在侧门齿先天缺失的成人病例中,就外观差异、咬合导引、锚定控制、犬齿型态修饰、矫正注意事项作综合性之探讨。
Two patients manifested temporomandibular pain and dysfunction during the stabilization period thought to be caused by occlusal instability. 两名病人表现颞下颌疼痛和功用妨碍在波动时期以为是形成咬合不波动。
Conclusion Traumatic occlusal force, iatrogenic factors and periodontal lesions are the major causes that led to VRFs. 结论创伤性牙合力、髓无活力、些医源性因素及牙周疾病是导致牙根纵裂的重要原因。
Effect of experimentally created occlusal disorders on the expression of estrogen in rat condylar cartilage 实验性咬合紊乱对大鼠髁突软骨局部雌激素表达的影响
Weaker Masticatory Muscles Affects Temporomandibular Joint Synovitis Induced by Increase of Occlusal Vertical Dimension in Adolescent Rats 咀嚼力降低状态下升高咬合对青春期大鼠颞下颌关节滑膜的影响
Four times the size of the dental pathology model integrated, showing caries, calculus, pulp stones and a variety of pathological conditions such as occlusal wear. 四倍大小的牙体病理模型,展示了龋齿、牙石、髓石和咬合磨损等各种病理状态。
CONCLUSION: Structure weak area of tooth was the internal cause of cracked-teeth occurrence, and traumatic occlusal force was the external factor tha. 结论:牙结构的薄弱环节是牙隐裂发生的内在因素,创伤性(?)力是促使牙隐裂发生的外在动力。
The clinical considerations in the process of the occlusal reconstruction 咬合重建修复过程中需要注意的临床问题
Place a crown removal hole in the occlusal surface of the crowns. 放置一个冠洞,去除咬合面的克朗。
The Correlative Study of Condyle Rotation Angle and Curative Effects of Occlusal Reconstruction by Different Therapeutic Regimens 髁状突旋转角度与咬合重建不同治疗方案疗效的相关性研究
Objective: To observe effect of different occlusal pad on treating bruxism. 目的:观察两种不同垫设计在夜磨牙治疗中的临床效果。
Objective: To study the relationship between apoptosis, proliferation and remodel of periodontal ligament after changes of occlusal force. 目的:探讨咬合力改变后牙周组织的重建与细胞凋亡、增殖的关系。
Objective: To assess occlusal contacts of normal occlusion in the muscular contact position and the retruded contact position. 目的:研究正常肌接触位及下颌后退接触位咬合接触的基本规律。
Objective: To observe the effects of different root canal file and the restoration of occlusal surface on the fracture resistance of premolars. 目的:观察不同根管锉预备根管及不同面充填物对前磨牙牙体抗折强度的影响。
The occlusal trauma is really a factor inducing degenerative changes of the TMJ. 确实可以导致颞下颌关节的退行性改变。
Clinic Study on Changes of Occlusal Force and Periodontal Parameters Following Initial Therapy of Chronic Periodontitis; the condition in which the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth when biting. 牙周基础治疗对咬合力和牙周炎症状况改善的观察嚼东西时上牙齿不能触及下牙齿的情况。
Brain Activities during Maximum Voluntary Clenching with Soft Occlusal Pad in Healthy Adults by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 健康成人戴用软?垫紧咬运动时脑激活区域的功能性磁共振成像研究
However, specific situations such as facial or occlusal trauma can negatively impact their longevity. 但是,一些特殊的情况,比如颌面部或咬合创伤都会严重的影响植体的使用寿命。