Conclusion: The prosthesis of incisor immediate implant is practical and effective. Application of Insertion-type Separate Post on Ceramic Restoration of Molar Residual Root and Crown with Low Occlusogingival Distance 结论:即刻烤瓷冠修复单个前牙种植体是一种切实可行的方法。分体桩在低?龈距磨牙残根残冠烤瓷修复中的应用
Application of Insertion-type Separate Post on Ceramic Restoration of Molar Residual Root and Crown with Low Occlusogingival Distance 分体桩在低?龈距磨牙残根残冠烤瓷修复中的应用
Calculation: Different gingival wall designs were used in posterior teeth adjacent to occlusogingival hole. 计算:存后牙邻(?)洞应用不同的龈壁设计,于(?)
Objective: Assess the effectiveness and periodontal treatment characteristic of fixed prosthesis for dental defect or defect of dentition in the region of molar with lower occlusogingival distance. 目的:通过对牙合龈距过低磨牙固定修复病例进行总结分析,探讨这类牙体缺损及牙列缺损进行固定修复时,牙周组织处理的几种方法的设计及疗效。