Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise. 厌氧呼吸只有在处于剧烈运动状态的肌肉等特别活跃的组织中才会发生。
The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx 婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。
In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month. 在中国历法中,春分总是出现在2月。
A burglary occurs every three minutes in London 伦敦每3分钟就会发生一起入室抢劫案。
Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg 受孕发生在单个精子与卵子结合的时候。
Change occurs at a glacial pace. 变化极其缓慢。
If a crime occurs then there is, ipso facto, a guilty party. 如果犯罪发生了,那么根据事实本身,就会有有罪的一方。
When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。
The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs 在非洲凡是有这种蝇虫的地方,几乎都会出现这一牛病。
The human brain needs to be without oxygen for only four minutes before permanent damage occurs. 人的大脑缺氧4分钟后便会造成永久性损伤。
It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process 这种情况出现在老年人当中,显然是衰老过程的一部分。
The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined. 这种现象出现的规律性表明这个过程是由基因决定的。
It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions 他们从未想过要怀疑医生的决定。
The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in. 电影中最棒的一组镜头出现于罗思在他曾住过的一幢屋子前驻足时。
At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy. 在我们的星系中每10年至少有一颗超新星出现。
When trouble occurs at one spot, help comes from all quarters. 一方有难,八方支援。
Many students 'error occurs because of mother-tongue interference. 许多学生发生这种错误是由于母语的干扰。
Calamity occurs in successive years. 灾祸连年。
Her birthday occurs on July 4. 她的生日是7月4日。
Such a thing hardly ever occurs. 这样的事几乎不发生。
Hematopoiesis of the other blood elements occurs in the fetal spleen. 其他血液成分的生成发生在胎儿脾脏。
When alkali is added to such compounds a series of proton dissociations occurs. 当碱加到这类化合物中,将发生一系列质子离解作用。
Condensation occurs when the supersaturation is positive. 当过饱和是正值时,则出现凝结。
Such occurs with a colonic carcinoma. 此情况见于结肠癌病人。
In the case of dielectric breakdown, a different type of acceleration occurs. 在介质击穿的情况下,出现了一种不同类型的加速。
It occurs more often in women than in men. 此事更经常发生在女性身上,较少地发生在男性身上。
This bacterial decay of cellulose also occurs in the gut of most herbivorous animals. 在很多食草动物的肠内这种纤维素也能被细菌分解。
Virtually all surface and near-surface terrestrial water occurs and moves as part of a single vast hydrologic system. 实质上,所有地表水和接近地表的水是作为一个单一的大水文体系的一部分而存在和运动的。
The shoulder roll is at its maximum angle so that left arm adduction occurs on a stable base. 肩部的旋转达到最大角度以便左臂内收在一个稳定的基底上。
If a problem occurs, we will call the rollback() method on the transaction object. 如果出现了任何问题,我们将调用事务对象中的rollback()方法。