Therefore, we have combined UML and OCL to help analysts improve the quality of domain models. 因此,我们拥有合并的UML与OCL,来帮助分析员提高域模型的质量。
Using constraints, and in particular OCL, can benefit you as you work toward these goals. 当您向这些目标前进时,利用约束条件,并且特别是OCL,可以使您受益。
For example, the MDT project contains implementations ( as metamodels) of UML2, XSD, and OCL. 例如,MDT项目包含UML2、XSD和OCL的实现(作为元模型)。
Another group of books offers useful perspectives on key MDA technologies, such as executable UML and the Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 其他的一些书籍在重要的MDA技术方面提供了有用的观点,比如在可执行的UML和对象约束语言(OCL)方面。
Use the OCL to more formally specify the business rules in the domain model and the behavior contracts for objects and components. 使用OCL更形式化地指定域模型中的业务规则和对象与组件的行为契约。
A more evolved metamodel would enforce integrity and constraints using OCL ( see Resources). 可以对元模型进行改进,使用OCL增强完整性和约束(参见参考资料)。
Transformation rules at the attribute level, documented using Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 属性级的转换规则,用目标约束语言(ObjectConstraintlanguage,OCL)编制而成。
You have learned about built-in support for OCL and Java, as well as how to apply a profile. 您也学习到了内建支持的OCL和Java,和如何应用一个概要文件。
Object Constraint Language ( OCL) is a formal language used to describe rules that apply to UML models. ObjectConstraintLanguage(OCL)是一种用于描述应用于UML模型规则的规范语言。
The mechanisms for writing such constraints using a language such as OCL have been fully specified. 这个机制使用比如像OCL这样的语言描述那些限制,它已经被充分的说明了。
Without the OCL expressions, the model would be severely underspecified. 没有OCL表达式,那么模型就是严重未指定的。
A proven approach to add precision to a model is through the use of constraints and the Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 增加模型精确度的一种已证实的方法是使用约束条件和对象约束语言(ObjectConstraintLanguage,OCL)。
As previously mentioned, the UML API does not allow evaluating OCL expressions on a model level. 如上所述,UMLAPI并不支持在模型层次上评价OCL表达式。
After completing them, the generation of instances and the evaluation of the OCL expressions can begin. 在完成之后,实例的生成和OCL表达式的评价就可以开始了。
Ability to query the data using an object-oriented query language: Object Constraint Language ( OCL) 能够使用以下面向对象的查询语言对数据进行查询:对象约束语言(ObjectConstraintLanguage,OCL)
There are not many applications that can interpret constraints written in OCL. 有很多程序不能理解以OCL写成的约束。
This tool also provides all nine diagram types, diagram export, XML Metadata Interchange ( XMI) integration, and Object Constraint Language ( OCL) support. 该工具还提供了所有九种图表类型、图表导出、XML元数据交换(XMI)集成,并且支持对象约束语言(OCL)。
To create a precise and complete model, we need both UML diagrams and OCL expressions. 为了创建一个精确且完整的模型,我们需要UML图表及OCL表达式。
A proven approach to add precision to a model is through the use of constraints and OCL. 向模型添加精确度的一种已证实的方法是通过使用约束和OCL。
At that time, actor A1 is used as the OCL context in the meta-model mode. 这样,动作A1在元模型中被用于OCL上下文。
The OCL statement is entered in the Value field of the constraint's General tab in the Properties view. OCL生明需要输入Value字段,在属性视图的约束的General标签页。
The metamodel was defined using an elementary subset of UML, and was supplemented by a set of formal constraints written in the Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 使用UML的基本子集来定义这个元模型,并且通过一系列在对象约束语言中(OCL)正式的强制进行补充。
The union of the user-modeled stereotype and the intersection of its meta-model extensions is used as the OCL context when the constraint is defined. 当一个约束被定义时,用户模型化的原型联合和元模型扩展的交集被用于OCL上下文。
OCL ( Object Constraint Language) was developed to fill this gap. 您可以开发OCL(对象约束语言)来填补这个空白。
OCL expressions are supported to act as filters during model traversal. OCL效果在模型转移期间,支持作为一个过滤器。
Expressing such ( relatively) local constraints is straight forward using OCL or OCL-like languages. 要表示这些(相对的)局部约束,可以直接使用OCL或者类似于OCL的语言。
Constraints are specified using oAW's Check language ( essentially a streamlined OCL) 约束可以使用oAW的Check语言(本质上是一个简化了的OCL)来指定。
Study of Consistency Checking by UML/ OCL Tool UML/OCL工具的一致性检查研究
Object Constraint Language ( OCL) is the sub-standard of UML, which can be used not only in constraint and query on models, but also in defining transformation rules and modeling language. 首先对模型转换语言的特性和现有的主要模型转换语言进行了简要的说明和分析,然后对对象约束语言(OCL)作为模型转换语言进行理论相关分析。
Formal Language B and UML/ OCL Comparison 形式化语言B与UML/OCL的比较