A sign that investors have abandoned the idea of seeking bargains in stocks came on the 8 Oct after global central banks launched a co-ordinated interest rate cut. 当全球各国央行10月8日宣布协同降息后,有迹象表明,投资者已放弃了逢低买进股票的念头。
As the precursor of ancient glasses, faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses. Experimental estimate of detection efficacy on early enamel demineralization by the dental OCT 釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。新型生物组织成像技术-光学CT对牙釉质早期脱矿检出效能的实验评价
Clinical Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealant Used in Combination with Self-etching Adhesive and Enameloplasty Sealant Technique Experimental estimate of detection efficacy on early enamel demineralization by the dental OCT 自酸蚀粘结剂并窝沟釉质成形窝沟封闭效果的临床观察新型生物组织成像技术-光学CT对牙釉质早期脱矿检出效能的实验评价
In order to investigate the change of gravity field in the northwest of Beijing and the north of Hebei Provice and to provide the background of tectonic action, we processed and analysed all gravity data from oct, 1971 to dee, 1983 for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou profile systematically. 为了搞清楚京西北、河北北部地区重力变化情况,探明构造活动的背景,我们将北京-张家口重力剖面自1971年10月至1983年12月的全部测量资料作了系统处理,分析。
In addition, as for the diagnosis and different diagnosis, the clinical value of OCT is higher than that of HRT-II. OCT对黄斑水肿的临床诊断价值高于HRT-Ⅱ。
How-ever, there are more naked pattern in ICG group with thinning of the retina display on OCT, which may be correlated with the toxicity of ICG on RPE and neuroepithelium of the retina. 术后OCT显示ICG组以裸露型多见,视网膜厚度变薄,可能与ICG对视网膜色素上皮和神经上皮的毒性有关。
The change in activity of ornithine carbamyl transferase ( OCT) in the liver of rats administered with carbon tetrachloride and 3 '-methyl-4-dimethyl-aminoazobenzene ( 3'-Me-DAB) was investigated. 本文报导大白鼠经四氯化碳中毒及用3′-甲基-4-二甲基氨基偶氮苯诱发肝癌过程中肝脏鸟氨酸氨基甲酰移换酶活力的变化。
RNA extraction and virus RNA detection from frozen OCT-embedded tissue 从OCT包埋冰冻组织提取组织RNA和检测病毒RNA
The determined serum enzymes were ornithine carbamyl trasferase ( OCT), glutamic oxalacetic transaminase ( GOT) and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(γ-GT). The activities of the serum enzymes OCT, GOT and γ-GT increased appreciably. 测定的血清酶有鸟氨酸氨基甲酰转移酶(OCT),谷草转移氨酶(GoT)和、r-谷氨酰转肽酶(r-GT)。
Current Status of Ortho-Cardiac Transplantation ( OCT) in Child 小儿心脏原位移植(OCT)现状
It is known that the detecting depth of optical coherence tomography ( OCT) can be enhanced by hyper-osmotic agent. 用高渗制剂可提高光学相干层析成像(OCT)的探测深度。
AIM: To investigate the effects of octreotide ( OCT) on the contraction of endothelin-1 ( ET-1)-stimulated hepatic stellate cell ( HSC), and to explore the changes of intracellular free calcium concentration ( [ Ca2+] I). 目的:探讨奥曲肽(OCT)对内皮素-1(ET-1)刺激的肝星状细胞(HSC)收缩的影响,以及此过程中胞质游离钙([Ca2+]i)的变化。
Objective analysis of retinal damage in HIV-positive patients in the HAART era using OCT 应用OCT客观分析HIV阳性患者HAART期的视网膜损害