Duchenne showed that in the particular smile he called the smile of joy, the muscle that is just to the side of the eyes ( called orbicularis oculi) is activated. 杜氏表明,在他称之为欢乐的笑容的特定微笑中,只是眼睛边的肌肉(称为眼轮匝肌)被激活。
And they mean it: they smile with their eyes ( a contraction of the orbicularis oculi facial muscles), not just their mouths. 这意味着:他们用眼睛微笑(部上睑提肌肌肉的收缩)而不仅仅是他们的嘴。
Her eyes were weighed down with trouBle. Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi 她的眼睑愁苦得往下耷拉着。岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形
Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi 堆填区修复工程时间表岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形
Also it is worthwhile to observe the partial atrophy of orbicularis oculi and the courses of small vasa of the macula. 对二硫化碳引起部分眼轮匝肌萎缩现象及黄斑区小血管走行变化值得观察。
Fundus Oculi Images Enhancement Based on Histograms Equalization and Its Simulation with MATLAB 基于直方图均衡的眼底图像增强及其MATLAB仿真
Fluorescent exhibition of fundus oculi lesion in several types of retinal degeneration Krypton Red Laser Photocoagulation for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 不同类型视网膜变性眼底荧光血管造影表现氪红激光凝治疗增殖型糖尿病性视网膜病变
Chalcosis oculi is an uncommon disease entity. 摘要眼球铜质沉积症并不常见。
Measurement of Rectus Oculi and Optic Nerve by B-mode Real-time Ultrasonic High Frequency Probe and Its Clinical Application B型超声高频探头对眼肌及视神经的测量及临床应用
To observe the hypotensive effect of Urapidil in operation on patients with fundus oculi disease accompanying hypertension. 目的:观察乌拉地尔在眼底病伴高血压手术患者中降压效果。
Fluorescent Typing of Fundus Oculi Lesion in Primary Retinal Pigment Degeneration 原发性视网膜色素变性眼底血管荧光造影分型
Methods Operated on38 patients by strengthening orbital septum and overlapping orbicularis oculi and followed up for six months. 目的:研究应用加强眶隔及重叠缝合眼轮匝肌缘的方法治疗睑袋。
Anatomical basis of transplantation for temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle 眼轮匝肌蒂颞区皮瓣移位术的解剖学基础
To provide anatomical basis for transplantation of temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle to repair soft tissue defects of middle jaw faces. 目的:为眼轮匝肌蒂颞侧皮瓣转位修复中颌面软组织缺损提供解剖学基础。
Objective: To study the fluorescent manifestations of fundus oculi lesion in several types of retinal degeneration. 目的:对几种类型视网膜变性患者眼底荧光血管造影表现进行观察研究。
Objective To study the CT features of bulbus oculi diseases. 目的探讨分析眼球病变的CT表现。
Distribution of the facial nerve in orbicularis oculi muscle and its clinical application 面神经在眼轮匝肌内的分布及其临床应用
Objective: To explore the morphological changes in orbicularis oculi muscle and orbicularis oris muscle after denervation. 目的:探讨不同程度失神经支配后,眼轮匝肌和口轮匝肌的形态学变化。
Conductive velocity of the efferent nerve EOR orbicularis oculi and oris muscles an experimental and clinic study 支配眼轮匝肌和支配口轮匝肌的神经传导速度的临床和实验研究
Simple ring ligation had no side affect on blood flow of fundus oculi in the patients with RD. 简易环扎术式对RD患者眼底血流无不良影响。
Indocyanine green fluorescein angiography plays an important role in fundus oculi diseases diagnosis. 吲哚菁绿造影技术对眼底疾病的诊断有很大的作用。
Hypertrophy of orbicularis oculi muscle. 轮匝肌肥厚型。
Objective To study the changes of oculi fundus hemodynamics in eye trauma. 目的研究眼外伤的眼底血流动力学变化。
Anatomy construction and mechanics direction of orbicularis oculi effecting superior eyelid morphology 眼轮匝肌的解剖结构和力学方向对上睑形态的影响
Methods In turgescent anesthesia, stripping to orbital region under musculus orbicularis oculi at the approach of eyebrow area. 方法肿胀麻醉下,通过直接眉上提术眉区切口入路,在眼轮匝肌深面向外剥离,离断眶韧带并完全剥离开眼轮匝肌外侧眶部;
The musculus orbicularis oculi is fixed to deep temporal fascia and frontal periosteum. 将眼轮匝肌上提分别固定于颞深筋膜及额骨骨膜上;
Vertical and horizontal lines through the lateral canthus were used to establish the anatomic relationship between the lateral canthus and the branch of the temporal nerve entering the orbicularis oculi muscle. 通过外眦的垂线和水平线来确定进入眼轮匝肌的神经分支与外眦的解剖关系。
Skin and orbicularis oculi muscle relaxation. 皮肤、眼轮匝肌松弛型。
Methods Orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap on both upper and lower eyelids was used to correct ectropion. 方法用上睑或下睑的眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣,行上睑或下睑睑外翻的相互修复,并兼顾重睑成形和睑袋整复术。
To satisfy the need of fundus oculi disease treatment, we systemically studied all solid-stated green lasers. 本文针对眼底治疗的要求,对全固态的绿光激光器进行了系统研究。