Academe is often home to oddballs, an article about the case in the Chronicle of Higher Education conceded. 某篇高等教育编年史的文章中有这样的句子:学术是怪胎的摇篮。
Those considered popular in secondary school earned 2% more decades later than oddballs such as Napoleon Dynamite – a so-called popularity premium. 这些在中学里受欢迎的学生几十年后所挣的钱比拿破伦·戴纳麦特这样的怪胎要多出2%。这种现象被称为人气奖金。
But these oddballs are nothing compared with what astronomers are seeing with six newly discovered planets known as hot Jupiters. 但是这些奇怪的星球与天文学家们目前所观察到的情况根本无法相提并论。据了解,这六颗新发现的行星属于热木星。
Marielle said the Nevada desert was full of oddballs. 玛丽说内华达州沙漠充满古怪。