The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness ( we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it. 一步步逼近的灾难确实让人讨厌,但是它真正讨厌的地方是它还没来之前就一直牢牢占据着你的思想,而且怎么驱赶它都是徒劳。
Being the representative book of Thackeray, a pungent sarcasm to the kind of odiousness in society like selling conscience and honor, Vanity Fair, using deep psychological description and vivid detailed outlines to depict character, is a realistic masterpiece. 名利场作为萨克雷的代表作,辛辣地讽刺了买卖良心和荣誉的名利场中的各种丑恶现象,而且善于运用深刻的心理描写和生动的细节勾勒来刻画人物,是一部现实主义的杰作。