The Matching of Tooth Profile in OpenGL The Treatment and Restoration of Tooth Back Odontagma OpenGL中齿廓曲面的拟合后牙折裂的治疗与修复
Results: There were relations between the odontagma and the degree of the tooth deficiency, abnormal occlusion and cavity filling. 结果:牙折与牙体缺失程度、咬合异常、窝洞充填情况有关。
Methods: To observe the odontagma conditions of 63 affected teeth. 方法:观察63颗患牙牙折情况。
To the sophisticated odontagma, after ligaturing, it needs perfect root canal treatment, then metalled crown restoration. 复杂牙折结扎后,必须进行完善的根管治疗,再用金属冠修复。
Clinical observation and prevention of 63 cases of odontagma after endodontium treatment 牙髓治疗后牙折63例临床观察及预防