These fit perfectly to the reduced OEE of personal computers. 这些同样适合于个人电脑的OEE中。
Study on the Application of OEE to Multidimensional Data Analysis System OEE多维数据分析系统的应用研究
Multiple product sizes dictate different production rates and therefore OEE ratings. 多产品大小代表了不同产品率与OEE值。
However, the factors of OEE-availability, efficiency, and rate of quality-become indicators of where and what type of improvements should be made. 但是OEE的要素&时间利用率,设备性能率与质量合格率将会显示问题所在及相应的改善点。
It is known that overall equipment effectiveness ( OEE) is a metric for a manufacturing enterprise to measure the performance of a single set of equipment, by which to improve its effectiveness. OEE已作为制造企业单台设备运行绩效的一种测量指标,并以此提高该设备的效能。
Integrated KPI ( Key Performance Indicators) and OEE ( Overall Equipment Efficiency) libraries, equipped with monitoring and reporting functions, lead to more transparency in the process. 集成的KPI(关键绩效指示器)和OEE(全设备效率)库,配上监测和报告功能,使得流程更加透明。
Improving OEE ( Overall Equipment Effectiveness) by eliminating the six big losses is the focus of TPM ( Total Productive Maintenance). 通过消除六大损失来提高OEE(全面设备效率)是TPM(全面生产维护)的重点。
Secondly, collect enough raw data on equipment efficiency and build original OEE model, then all major points of work time loss can be clarified. 然后对其进行量化分析,建立OEE模型,找到效率损失点,并确定出主要的改进方向;
For assembly and test factories, OEE ( Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a key index to measure production management and financial cost. 对于封装测试工厂,设备综合效率是衡量生产管理水平和成本竞争力的重要指标。
Problem Solving on OEE Calculating in Enterprises 企业OEE计算问题的解决
Constituting such statute should master the connotation and current situation of OEE and sort present related statutes for establishing the tenet, scope and principles of this statute, then form a perfect legal regime on meeting OEE. 制定该条例必须把握突发环境事件的内涵与现状,理清现行相关法律规范,以确立条例的宗旨,调整范围和原则,并在此基础上建立完善的突发环境事件应急法律制度。
Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE) and the Theory of Constraints ( TOC) are the two outstanding theories. 设备综合效率(OEE)和约束理论(TOC)是两种较为突出的理论。
Application of OEE based on TOC 基于TOC理论的OEE的应用
OEE integrates availability of equipment, performance of equipment and the rate of quality, reflects the all capacity of equipment so that makes the definition and scope of plant maintenance and management developed. 设备综合效能集成了设备有效性、设备性能和合格品率指标,反映了设备的全部生产能力,使设备维护与管理的内涵和外延都有了很大拓展。
Study on the TOC-based OEE Method 基于约束理论的设备综合效率方法研究
The concept of overall equipment efficiency ( OEE) was stated in this article. 主要对设备总效率(OEE)的概念及作用作了全面的论述。
Diagnosis and Improvement of Enterprise's Equipment Effectiveness Based on OEE 基于OEE的企业设备效率诊断与改善
This paper relates some questions on computation of overall equipment efficiency ( OEE) in enterprises, and puts forward the viewpoint on correction of OEE in view of the characteristic of modern production. 该文论述了一些企业设备综合效率(OEE)计算中的问题,针对现代生产特点提出修正设备综合效率的观点。
Application of Overall Equipment Efficiency ( OEE) Theory in Equipment Management OEE(设备总效率)在设备管理上的应用
Through the study, strengthen and improve OEE in semiconductor manufacturing plant, also the application of the overall productivity, to realization of the ultimate goal for reduce the cost of product. 通过这项研究,加强和提高OEE在半导体制造车间的应用,提高生产线的总体产能,实现了降低产品成本的最终目的。
With the rising development of mechanization and automation in corporate, the level of rising dependence on machine is also "gone up". How to challenge the device to zero failures, maximize OEE has become to the "focus" topic towards concern manufacturing enterprises. 伴随着企业机械化、自动化程度的日益提高,企业对设备的依赖也水涨船高,如何挑战设备零故障、尽可能发挥设备综合效率,成了制造型企业关注的焦点课题。
The part of theory describes the calculation indicators and main losses of OEE& OPE in detail, which provides a solid theoretical foundation for the back. 论文的理论环节详细阐述了设备综合效率、人员综合效率的计算指标及影响它们的损耗,为后面企业现状分析及改善方向提供了坚实的理论基础。
Meanwhile, It evaluated some Lean metrics including cycle time, quality, cost and OEE at a system level to find existing problems and proposed improve action plan correspondingly. 系统地对精益指标中的生产周期、质量、成本、设备利用率进行评估,并指明存在问题和制定改进计划。
And at the same time this article introduces the OEE theoretical knowledge, to increase the overall efficiency of key equipments, to increase the value adding capability of equipments. 文章同时还介绍了OEE的理论知识,用以提高关键设备的综合效率,提高设备的增值能力。
Since the OEE consider all status for the equipment running, calculation easy and correct, and more fit for the flexible production equipment, make up of the disadvantage of traditional calculation efficiency method, so the OEE have a wide using for the semiconductor. 由于OEE(整体设备效率)考虑了设备所有的运行情况,计算方便准确,且更加适合柔性生产设备,弥补了传统计算效率方法的不足,因而得到了广泛的应用。