Seasonal Dynamics of Species Composition of Community and Soil Seed Bank Invaded by Oenothera laciniata Hill in Wenzhou, Zhejiang 温州裂叶月见草入侵群落和土壤种子库种类组成的季节动态
A day-flowering biennial or perennial of the genus Oenothera. 月见草属两年生或多年生白昼开花的草。
Compound ethyl linoleate, Oenothera biennis oil and some Chinese traditional medicine such as haw and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge were tested by this drug screen model. 进而利用本模型对临床报道有降胆固醇作用的传统中药:丹参、山楂以及成分明确、疗效显著的复方亚油酸胶囊和月见草油胶丸进行了筛选试验。
Experiments in vitro have shown that emulsion of complex OENOTHERA BIENNIS OlL has inhibitory action on the formation of lipid peroxidate in liver pulp of rats. 复方月见草油乳剂体外实验抑制大鼠肝匀浆内过氧化脂质的生成。
Anti-lipid peroxidation of emulsion of complex Oenothera biennis oil 复方月见草油乳剂抗脂质过氧化作用