雌激素 a hormone produced in women's ovaries that causes them to develop the physical and sexual features that are characteristic of females and that causes them to prepare their body to have babies
N-UNCOUNT 雌激素 Oestrogen is a hormone produced in the ovaries of female animals. Oestrogen controls the reproductive cycle and prepares the body for pregnancy.
As ovulation gets nearer, oestrogen levels rise. 临近排卵期,雌激素的分泌量随之增加。
As ovulation gets nearer, oestrogen levels rise. 临近排卵期,雌激素的分泌量随之增加。
If the egg is not fertilised oestrogen and progesterone decrease. 如果卵细胞没有受精,雌激素和黄体荷尔蒙就会下降。
Melatonin lowers levels of the female hormone oestrogen in the blood-oestrogen is known to encourage the growth of certain cancers, notably breast and ovarian cancer. 抗黑变激素会降低女性血液里的雌激素雌激素是公认的刺激某些癌症生长的激素,比较显著的例子是乳腺癌和子宫癌。
In the study, tests on sheep showed triclosan interferes with an enzyme that allows the hormone oestrogen to circulate in the womb. 该项研究中,通过对绵羊的测试发现,三氯苯氧氯酚会干扰某种可让雌激素在子宫内散播的酶发生作用。
Beer is also rich in phytoestrogens, plant versions of oestrogen, which keep bones healthy. 啤酒中还富含植物性雌激素,这类植物型的雌激素有助于保持骨骼健康。
The American Journal of Human Biology study suggests high levels of the sex hormone oestrogen are to blame. 《美国人类生物期刊》认为,雌激素荷尔蒙分泌过多是罪魁祸首。
And women with big hips are thought to have high levels of oestrogen. 一般认为女性屁股大与雌激素过高有关。
These chemicals can have similar effects to the human hormone oestrogen. 而这种化学物质与人类荷尔蒙雌激素有类似的效果。
However, they believe the most likely explanation involves the female sex hormone oestrogen. 然而,他们认为最可能的解释是雌性激素。
Early periods could be linked with breast cancer-possibly because women are exposed to higher levels of oestrogen over their lifetime. 青春期提前和乳腺癌有关系,也很可能是因为女性在一生中有着很高水平的雌激素。
Doctors have said that surging hormones could contribute to the condition, as there is up to 40 times more progesterone and oestrogen in the body during pregnancy. 医生说过,怀孕期间,体内的孕酮和雌激素分泌比往常多达40倍,荷尔蒙的急剧上升,会导致出现这种情况。
This large trial, of HRT ( oestrogen plus progestin) in postmenopausal women, was stopped prematurely when health risks were found to outweigh benefits. 这个大型试验-HRT(雌激素和孕激素)-对绝经后妇女实施,但在发现对健康存在风险后被提前停止。
Migraine is more common in women than men, and this is linked to fluctuating levels of the hormone, oestrogen. 偏头痛是较为常见的在女性多于男性,这是联系在一起的波动水平的激素,雌激素。
Fertility is indicated because a narrow waist is linked to higher oestrogen levels. 细腰女人生育能力强是因为细腰与雌激素分泌旺盛有关。
Oestrogen is secreted mainly by the ovaries and placenta. 雌激素主要从卵巢和胎盘里分泌出来。
There is a known link between breast cancer and the female hormone oestrogen, and dietary fibre has been demonstrated to regulate oestrogen levels in the body. 现在已知在乳腺癌和女性激素雌二醇有着一定联系,膳食纤维已经被证实可以维持人体内的雌二醇水平。
We collected individual patients'data from published trials and did analyses focused on women with tumours positive for oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, or both. 我们从已发表的实验中收集个体患者的数据资料并对雌激素受体阳性、孕酮受体阳性或两者均阳性的女性肿瘤患者进行集中分析。
This suggests that the sorts of predispositions that in people are blamed on fetal testosterone are caused in birds by fetal oestrogen ( or, rather, the response to it). 这就表示,人类的易患病体制归咎于胎儿睾丸激素,但对于鸟类而言,却是由胎儿丝雌激素引起的。(或者说,是对雌激素的反应)。
It is the first randomised trial to examine the relationship between oestrogen therapy and coronary artery calcium in this age group. 该实验是一个随机实验,第一次考察了这个年龄组的雌激素治疗和冠状动脉钙化之间的关系。
Abdominal fat releases oestrogen into the body and animal studies suggest the hormone can cause inflammation in blood vessels at the back of the eyes. 腰部脂肪会向体内分泌雌激素,一些动物研究表明荷尔蒙会引起眼球后方的血管发炎。
Or the sort that are more innovative, and these things might have a greater effect on profitability than oestrogen. 而较之雌激素,这些因素对利润率的影响可能更大。
However, researchers showed that raloxifene in combination with systemic oestrogen results in an increase in hyperplasia, she said. 然而她说,研究人员指出,雷洛昔芬的全身雌激素效应会导致异常增生增加。
This is because the genes that are indirectly responsible for the production of testosterone and the female hormone oestrogen also control the development of the fingers. 这是因为,与男性丙酸睾丸素和女性雌激素产生有间接关系的基因也决定着手指的生长。
No amount of surgery or oestrogen can change a male human into a female human. 再多的手术或雌激素也不能将一位男子改造成女人。
Synthetic sex hormones, including forms of oestrogen and testosterone, hae been used to make cattle grow faster. 合成的性激素,包括雌激素和雄激素,已经被用于饲养牛,以使它们长得更快。
It is unclear how drinking alcohol promotes breast cancer but it may work by raising levels of the sex hormone oestrogen in the body. 酒精为什么增加乳腺癌的罹患率并不清楚,也许是它提高了身体里面的性激素中的雌激素。
Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus. 雌激素帮助大动脉保持张开状态,将含氧富足的血液运向胎儿。