The human body is similar with estrogen again oestrogenic effects of phytoestrogens. 人体雌激素相似又具有雌激素活性的植物雌激素。
To observe the oestrogenic hormone ( FSH, LH, E2) level of infected BALB/ c female mice; 染虫雌鼠性激素(FSH、LH、E2)水平的变化;
The structural alterations at the G-17 α position could significantly influence the oral oestrogenic activity. 17α位的结构变化可明显影响雌激素的口服活性。
The duration of oestrogenic activity of 17 β-esters of quinestrol was not different from that of its parent compound. 炔雌醚的17β位以脂肪酸酯化后,其作用时间与其母体相近;
However, 17 β-etherification could decrease the oestrogenic activity to varying degrees. 但如在17β位醚化后,则作用就有不同程度的降低。
Objective: The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between menstrual depression and high-estrogenic, by introducing experimental rats into high oestrogenic state using Estradiol Benzoate. 目的:用外源性雌激素造成实验大鼠高雌激素状态,探讨高雌激素与经行抑郁的关系,并用疏肝调经中药经轻胶囊进行干预,探讨经轻胶囊的干预机制。