Funny I saw a black hat on d back ofd carn I immediately thought it must b JJ's. 很好玩的是我在黑色的车上看到一顶黑色的帽子,我马上觉得这个是JJ的。
So instead ofd spending money on computer games or puzzles to improve your brain's health, invest in a gym membership. 因此,与其花钱购买电脑游戏或字谜游戏改善大脑健康状况,不如去健身房办张会员卡;
Then, a transmission network planning decision-making method is proposed based on hierarchical data envelopment analysis ( HDEA), which unites the experience ofd. 然后,研究了基于层次化数据包络分析法的输电网规划决策方法,将决策者的经验和规划的影响因素统一起来。
Creation of a DSP Boot Image File with OFD Tool 利用OFD工具创建DSP启动镜像文件
Question ofd day: who is in a relationship right now, write ME! 今天的问题是:你们谁在恋爱吗?回复请写:我!
In short, the OFD indicates the objects that are produced and the activities that produce and exchange them. 简而言之,OFD指的就是被产生的对象,以及产生和交换它们的活动。
Object-flow diagrams ( OFDs) are similar to data-flow diagrams ( DFDs), because they depict activities interfacing with other activities. 对象流图(OFD)与数据流图(DFD)类似,因为它们描述了活动和其他活动间的接口。
The OFP and OFD can not only improve the wide-angle scanning ability of the antenna, but also increase the engineering feasibility of the SFOC antenna system. 二者的确定不仅改善了SFOC天线系统的扫描特性,而且提高了它的工程可实现性。
Based on characteristics ofd open-pit side slop and factors that have influence on the stability of slop, the vibration-damp-ing blasting technology is applied in mining at steep working slops to ensure the slope stability. 论述了凉山矿业股份有限公司露天矿在陡帮开采工艺条件下,通过认清露天边坡的特点及找准影响边坡稳定性因素的基础上,采用减震爆破技术,是确保露天边坡稳定的重要手段之一。
In this paper we report a case of OFD type-ⅰ. 本文报告了1例口-面-指综合征Ⅰ型。
In this paper, the specific distortion effects in the scattering ofd+~ 3He are calculated by using RGM. 该文采用共振群方法(RGM)对d+~3He弹性散射因氘的特殊扭曲效应的影响进行了微观计算。
Conclusion Combination of bone morphogenetic protein complex with GTR was more effective than GTR only or OFD in the repair of periodontal bone defects. 结论骨形态蛋白复合物联合GTR技术修复牙周骨缺损,与传统的GTR术和牙周翻瓣术相比,更能有效促进牙周骨组织再生与修复。