ADJ-GRADED 不平衡的;站立不稳的;摇摇欲坠的 If someone or something is off-balance, they can easily fall or be knocked over because they are not standing firmly.
He tried to use his own weight to push his attacker off but he was off balance... 他试图用自己的身体推开袭击者,但却失去了平衡。
The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity. 向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。
ADJ-GRADED 冷不防的;大出意料的;极为慌乱的 If someone is caught off-balance, they are extremely surprised or upset by a particular event or piece of news they are not expecting.
Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject... 马林斯突然改变话题,这让我措手不及。
The government was thrown off-balance by the attempted coup. 政府对这一未遂政变猝不及防。
The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity. 向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。
Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject 马林斯突然改变话题,这让我措手不及。
The government was thrown off-balance by the attempted coup. 政府对这一未遂政变猝不及防。
Several banks had become overly reliant on the interbank market as a cheap source of funds and were using the cash to finance risky off-balance sheet loans. 此前多家银行变得过于依赖银行间市场,将其视为一个廉价资金来源,并利用这些资金为高风险的表外贷款融资。
We throw the whole thing off-balance. 我们就把整个事情的平衡给打乱了。
That was certainly true of the banks 'off-balance sheet securitisation activity. 银行的表外证券化活动的确就是这种情况。
He was caught off-balance when the judge produced the evidence against him. 当法官提出对他不利的证据时,他有些出乎意外。
There is also discussion about whether to set a cap on the number of off-balance sheet investment products banks can issue as a percentage of assets. 相关讨论还涉及要不要对银行可以推出的表外投资产品总量,设定一个按资产百分比计算的上限。
Smaller developers turned, as a result, to the nascent trust company industry, which has helped them raise money indirectly from banks and their customers through off-balance sheet transactions. 其结果是,规模较小的开发商转向新生的信托公司,由其帮助它们通过表外交易,从银行及其客户间接融资。
We will catch them off-balance. 我们要攻他们一个措手不及。
However, analysts have serious questions over the true scale of non-performing loans in China, and the large amount of off-balance sheet lending by banks in recent months. 然而,分析人士对于中国不良贷款的真实规模、以及近几个月银行的大量表外贷款深感怀疑。
Congress could also use the threat of litigation to reform derivatives and off-balance sheet transactions. 国会还可以利用诉讼威胁,来改革衍生品和表外交易。
A bad bank is not really a bank at all. It is a special purpose vehicle, similar to those off-balance sheet vehicles that triggered this crisis in the first place. 坏账银行实际上不是一家银行,而是一家特殊目的机构(SPV),类似于那些本来就引发了此次危机的表外工具。
Conduits and off-balance sheet vehicles that were popular during the boom have disappeared. 繁荣时期颇为流行的专营机构以及表外业务机构业已消失。
These include fair value accounting, reserving for expected losses, and off-balance sheet accounting. 议题包括公允价值会计规则、预留预期亏损、以及表外会计规则。
The list of warehouses for off-balance sheet loans is extensive. 表外贷款仓库的名单很长。
But there is another compelling story of economic integration and global mobility of money that is arguably more important to more people than derivatives and off-balance sheet investment funds. 不过,还有另外一个引人入胜的、有关经济一体化和资金全球流动性的故事。对更多的人来说,这个故事可以说比衍生品和资产负债表外投资基金更加重要。
Off-balance sheet loans are also likely to turn sour, including money funnelled into local governments. 表外贷款也很可能出现问题,包括提供给地方政府的贷款。
Fifth, risk models failed to capture the risk inherent in off-balance sheet activities, such as structured investment vehicles. 第五,风险模型未能评估结构性投资工具等资产负债表外活动固有的风险。
It in effect amounted to an order to banks to rein in credit growth and curb their appetite for risky practices such as shovelling deposits into off-balance sheet shadow banking vehicles. 从效果上说,这相当于向商业银行发出命令,要求其遏制信贷增长、收敛其对高风险操作的偏好,比如将存款引向表外的影子银行业工具。
It had been a prominent provider of finance, on-and off-balance sheet, to Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia and Parmalat, among others. 花旗曾是安然、世通、阿德菲亚和帕玛拉特等丑闻公司的主要表内和表外融资提供者。
This is largely due to regulatory restrictions on off-balance sheet investments. 这主要是因为表外投资受到监管限制。
Plans outlined yesterday will require banks to set aside more capital against complex structured products and off-balance sheet vehicles two of the main sources of stress in recent months. 昨日概述的计划,将要求银行针对复杂结构产品和表外工具(最近数月市场动荡的两个主要根源),计提更多的资本金准备。
They are happy for the financial sector to experiment with new products on-and off-balance sheet, allowing the system gently to displace state allocation of capital through decreed interest rates, loan quotas, loan-to-deposit ratios and specific credit restrictions. 一方面,他们乐于看到金融行业试验表内和表外的新产品,允许金融体系通过限定利率、贷款配额、存贷比以及具体信贷限制等方式,温和地取代政府的资金分配职能。
Italy trialled such a programme early last decade, selling property to a special purpose vehicle, an off-balance sheet entity normally used to isolate financial risk and associated with the 2008-09 crisis. 本世纪初,意大利便尝试过这类方案,将房地产出售给一个特殊目的载体(spv),即一种通常用来隔离金融风险且与2008-09年危机有关的表外实体。
The off-balance sheet vehicles have been used by financial institutions to keep some assets off their balance sheets, thereby avoiding the need to hold regulatory capital against them. 金融机构一直利用表外工具将部分资产转移到表外,因此无需对这类资产进行监管资本拨备。
Second is the use of ugly, reality-cloaking off-balance sheet transactions. 其次是使用了一些丑陋的、旨在掩盖事实的表外交易。
I was thrown completely off-balance by their outrageous behaviour. 我对他们蛮横的行为感到极为震惊。
Instead we have the European financial stability facility, a curious off-balance sheet lender of last resort. 然而我们现在只有欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf),一个奇怪的表外最后贷款人。
Hence the explosion of credit derivatives, off-balance sheet vehicles and the rest. 由此造成了信贷衍生品,表外资产及其他工具的爆炸式增长。