The bad bank also might absorb assets from Citigroup's off-balance-sheet entities, which hold$ 1.23 trillion. “坏银行”还可以吸收来自花旗银行表外实体的资产,这些实体的资产约为1.23万亿美元。
Small and midsized banks are generating fees by packaging off-balance-sheet loans into high-yielding wealth management products. 中小型银行正通过打包表外贷款、使其转化为高收益理财产品而创收。
Firstly, these plans allow banks to make off-balance-sheet loans. 首先,这些业务允许银行发放表外贷款。
The system includes off-balance-sheet lending by state banks, the funds under management by private funds and the assets of a booming multitude of unregistered banks and loan sharks. 这个体系包括国有银行的表外贷款、私人基金管理的资金,以及数量众多、且不断激增的未注册银行和钱庄管理下的资产。
Goldman has large, illiquid off-balance-sheet exposures, too, known as Variable Interest Entities. 高盛也有大量的资产负债表外非流动风险&可变利益实体。
Banks such as Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have had to come to the rescue of the off-balance-sheet vehicles that help them to fund credit card loans, as these vehicles have been weakened by consumer defaults. 像花旗、摩根大通和美国银行之类的银行不得不拯救资产负债表外的那些帮助信用卡贷款融资的金融衍生品,因为这些衍生品受到了消费者违约的影响而变得衰弱。
Instead of being traded, most were sold to banks 'off-balance-sheet entities such as SIVs structured investment vehicles or simply left on the books. 但其中大部分并没有拿出来进行交易,而是出售给了结构性投资工具(SIV)等银行表外实体,或者干脆就放在账面上。
The banks hid their excessive leverage using derivatives, off-balance-sheet entities and other devices, the report found. 报告中指出投行掩盖了金融杠杆衍生品,资产负债表外的实体和其他投资工具的过度使用。
All kinds of off-balance-sheet lending and arbitrage platforms ( known as conduits and structured investment vehicles, or SIVs) have been infected to the point that they are struggling to raise the short-term debt that keeps them afloat. 所有类型的资产负债表外贷款和套利平台[即管道类和结构性投资工具(SIV)]都受到牵连,它们难以获得维持自身运作的短期融资。
They will also commit to bringing banks 'off-balance-sheet vehicles into a basic framework of oversight and disclosure. 他们还将致力于将银行的表外工具纳入监督和披露的基本框架之内。
They are experimenting with regulations to force greater disclosure of off-balance-sheet lending and are weighing whether to enforce limits. 它们正尝试推出监管规定,迫使金融机构加大对表外贷款的披露,并考虑是否施加限制。
How are off-balance-sheet transactions and commitments tracked and reported? 表外交易和表外债务是如何记录,如何报告的?
Off-balance-sheet liabilities can be expanded into liabilities for off-balance-sheet financing and uncertain liabilities. 表外负债可延申为表外融资负债与不确定性负债。
It also includes some credit that is off-balance-sheet but above board. 它还包括一些资产负债表外的正式贷款。
Innovation securitisation, off-balance-sheet financing and the rest has, as always, proved a big part of the story. 和以往一样,创新证券化和表外融资等等在这个故事中占据了很大篇幅。
China's bank regulators have been working to curb bank off-balance-sheet lending. 中国银行监管者已经招收削减银行表外贷款。
Worse, many of the dangers notably the growth of off-balance-sheet finance reflected attempts to circumvent regulation. 更糟糕的是,其中许多危险特别是表外金融的增长反映出银行试图绕过监管。
By reining in credit growth, it hoped to curb banks 'use of off-balance-sheet lending vehicles. 中国央行希望通过约束信贷增长来抑制商业银行对表外放贷工具的利用。
Many big lenders did not disclose off-balance-sheet risks. 许多大型贷款机构并未透露表外风险。
Shadow banking can and usually does take many forms, including loan sharks, investment companies known as trusts and off-balance-sheet lending by regular banks. “影子”银行能够(并通常)以许多形式存在,包括高利贷、信托等投资活动、以及正规银行的表外放贷活动。
The company shall disclose future fund sources in the future based on different items of debt financing, off-balance-sheet financing, equity financing, and derivative product financing. 公司应当区分债务融资、表外融资、股权融资、衍生产品融资等项目对公司未来资金来源进行披露。
These moves to bring off-balance-sheet assets back on balance sheet for the sake of transparency are a mirage. 这些为提高透明度而将账外资产重新记入表内的举措只是一种妄想。
However, especially in Europe, a large chunk of demand also came from hedge funds and from off-balance-sheet entities linked to banks. 然而,尤其特别是在欧洲,同样有大量需求同样来自对冲基金、以及和与银行有关的表外业务实体机构。
For example, JPMorgan gave a pass to structured investment vehicles, the off-balance-sheet funds that have proved such a headache for rival Citigroup. 例如,摩根大通放弃了结构性投资工具(SIV)。事实证明,这种表外基金让竞争对手花旗集团头疼不已。
With off-balance-sheet vehicles becoming strained and losses mounting, the credit squeeze looks set to intensify. 随着表外投资工具的压力加大和亏损不断上升,信贷紧缩似乎将会加剧。
A Study on the Off-Balance-Sheet Activities Innovation under the Financial Deepening Background 金融深化中的我国商业银行表外业务创新研究
And this ignores the vast off-balance-sheet liabilities of the Medicare and social security systems. 这还没有考虑到医疗与社会保险体系的大量表外负债。
How banks use futures, options, derivatives and swaps to manage their balance sheet and off-balance-sheet risks. 银行如何利用期货、期权、派生和互换信贷管理其资产负债表及资产负债表外的风险。
At the same time, a regulatory crackdown on off-balance-sheet credit from trust companies and other non-bank lenders has driven some weaker borrowers back to traditional banks. 同时,监管机构对信托公司和其他非银行贷款机构的表外信贷的打击,导致一些实力较弱的借款者重新回到传统银行。