The place is the haunt of off-duty policemen. 这里是不当班的警察经常光顾的地方。
It was a Phantom drone that an intoxicated off-duty intelligence agency employee accidentally crashed onto the grounds of the White House in January. 今年一月,被情报机构一名下了班的员工醉酒后意外坠落在白宫草地上的就是一架Phantom无人机。
Ask: remove or stop the off-duty workers that labor concerns and billabong staff, did not come true again obtain employment but oneself are willing to continue to attend primary endowment insurance should how does primary endowment insurance expend pay? 问:解除或终止劳动关系的下岗职工和分流人员,没有实现再就业但本人愿意继续参加基本养老保险的应如何缴纳基本养老保险费?
The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall. 狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。
Off-Duty Makeup "I do not think I've every put on mascara without someone making me," explains Maggie. 工作之余的化妆要不是有人要求我,我想我决不会涂睫毛膏,玛吉解释说。
It was the only place for off-duty relaxation. 这是假日消闲的唯一去处。
An off-duty police officer is caught on camera at a bar, mocking a man he watched die. 这名警察在酒吧嘲笑一名他正在调查的案件中的死者。
He's off every Tuesday; he was off duty when it happened; an off-duty policeman. 他星期二不上班;事情发生时他不在岗;不在值勤的警察。
The off-duty workers is entered again when obtain employment service center is mandatory, by again obtain employment service center is in charge of be insurance premium of its pay medical treatment, the off-duty workers enjoys treatment of corresponding medical treatment insurance. 下岗职工进入再就业服务中心托管时,由再就业服务中心负责为其缴纳医疗保险费,下岗职工享受相应的医疗保险待遇。
Indeed, security is so tight that the two PwC partners are escorted separately to the ceremony by off-duty police wearing tuxedos. 实际上,保安措施非常严密。届时,这两位普华永道合伙人将由身穿礼服的警察分别护送到典礼现场。
On September21st Troy Davis, a black man convicted of shooting an off-duty white policeman, was executed in the American state of Georgia. 9月21日,一名黑人TroyDavis因枪杀一名下班的白人警察而被判决罪名成立,在美国乔治亚州被处死。
Today is my off-duty day. 今天我是我的休班日。
For cable modem and DSL installations, it's the battle in the streets: roads need to be dug up, permits pulled and off-duty police hired. 为电缆线调制解调器和DSL安装,它在街上是战斗:道路需要被挖出,许可证拉了并且不当班的警察雇用了。
The two off-duty, police officers were an easy target for the bombers. 两名下班的警员成了投炸弹的人容易攻击的对象。
Because one off-duty police officer pulled her back inside. 因为一个下了班的警官把她拉了进去。
Two off-duty soldiers were stopped and questioned by a military policeman. 两个离岗的士兵被一个宪兵叫住并被盘问。
They spent an off-duty morning in which they talked to friends and relatives on the ground or just looked out the window. 当天早上,他们与远在地球的家人和朋友通话,可能还欣赏了一下窗外的美景。
Vachon was given a rare opportunity to photograph the blonde bombshell, who died in1962, off-duty as she took a few days off due to the injury. 当年,摄影师约翰·瓦熊偶然间得到一次机会,为一个受伤后正在休息期的金发女郎拍摄照片,而这位金发女郎正是日后于1962年去世的梦露。
Just tell them an off-duty officer needs assistance. 就说一位休班警官需要支援。
I prefer to see uniformed military, firefighters, law-enforcement officers, or off-duty pilots and flight attendants sitting in those seats. 我倾向于看到穿制服的军人、消防队员,执法官员或者不当班的飞行员、乘务员坐在那些位置上。
I would like to advise you often to take a walk in the lane in your off-duty hours. That is the best way to take a rest. It will dissipate your fatigue and relieve your nervous tension. 我劝你工余之暇,常到小巷里走走,那是最好的休息,会使你消除疲劳,紧张的心弦得到调整。
Let's get together when you get off-duty. 你下班之后我们聚一聚吧!
During the day the off-duty men would pack into a recreation room. Who will be on duty at six o` clock?& I will. 白天,不值班的士兵常会挤进娱乐室。6点钟谁值班?-我值班。
Here, a crew of off-duty Santas makes its way down the steps of a subway station on Broadway in New York. 这里,一组下班的圣诞老人扮演着正在走向纽约市的地铁站。
Analyze and Control the Dangerous Points of Current Transformer under Off-duty Condition 电流互感器停用状态的危险点分析与控制
We hold a class meeting last monday, but we have not hold any class meeting since. The nests were often the scene of lively, off-duty parties. 我们在星期一开了个班会,但后来就再没有开过。这里经常是下班后举行欢乐聚会的场所。
Company off-duty workers, inside quit working labour, stop firewood to leave the every such as office staff to did not remove with the enterprise working relationship worker, all should attend birth assurance society to plan as a whole. 企业下岗职工、内退职工、停薪留职人员等凡未与企业解除劳动关系职工,均应参加生育保险社会统筹。
You'll see two councilmen, a union official, a couple of off-duty cops, and a judge. 你会看见两个参议会,一个联合警署,一群不当班的警察和一个法官。
In this paper, the effecting factors of film amine treatment for power units off-duty protection were analyzed by orthogonal test, and the parameters of unit off-duty protection were educed. 通过正交试验对影响成膜胺用于机组停用保护的因素进行了分析研究,确定了最佳保护条件。