Delivery format, packaging, and types of food vary greatly, ranging from hamburgers to expensive gourmet fare, but all may be categorized as takeout because of this off-premise consumption. 递送形式、包装和食物的品种都花样繁多:有汉堡,也有价格昂贵的美食大餐。不过这些都可以被归类为外卖,因为它们都不是堂食的。
An off-premise programming model with supporting development tools that form the codeless developer workspace. 备用编程模型,带有支持形成无代码开发人员工作区的开发工具。
Service virtualization a solution to the off-premise, off-cloud software constraints of utility companies takes the next step past hardware virtualization by virtualizing the behavior, performance, and data of dependent services and applications. 服务虚拟化电力公司的一个备用的、不受云计算软件约束的解决方案采取下一个步骤完成硬件虚拟化,通过虚拟化行为、性能以及依赖性服务和应用程序的数据。
Extension points for self-defined off-premise development tools, which are out of framework built-in capabilities, but are required for individual solution developments. 自定义备用开发工具的扩展点,它不在框架内置功能之中,但是为个体解决方案开发所需。
Codeless development of Web2.0-based developer workspace to off-premise development and implementation 备用开发和实现的基于Web2.0的开发人员工作区的无代码开发