That it may be an atoning sacrifice, and the hands of the offerers may be sanctified. A stranger shall not eat of them, because they are holy. 只许他们吃授圣职和祝圣他们时所献的赎罪祭品,外人不许吃,因为是圣物。
The figures of Bodhisattvas and their worshiping offerers excavated from Yongning temple. 河南洛阳永宁寺塔出土供养人、菩萨像。
Offerers may not, after the deadline for the submission of quotation documents, make any change to the quotation documents. 但在报价截止日后,报价人将不能对其报价文件进行任何修改。
Enterprise and intermediary are the two main parties in determining the quality of information. In China, because of the over-slight punishment to the false accounting information offerers, their revenue is larger than violation cost. 企业和中介机构是决定会计信息质量的两个关键主体,但由于中国存在对出具虚假会计信息者的处罚普遍过轻现象,使得他们的违规收益大于违规成本。