
adj.  立即的,即席的


  1. Therefore, with the development of 3D laser imaging technique and its popularization in engineering geology, updating the technique of rock discontinuity investigation is offhanded and soon.



  1. casually thoughtless or inconsiderate
    1. an offhand manner
    2. she treated most men with offhand contempt

    Synonym:    offhand

  2. with little or no preparation or forethought
    1. his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
    2. an extemporaneous piano recital
    3. an extemporary lecture
    4. an extempore skit
    5. an impromptu speech
    6. offhand excuses
    7. trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
    8. an off-the-cuff toast
    9. a few unrehearsed comments

    Synonym:    ad-libextemporaneousextemporaryextemporeimpromptuoffhandoff-the-cuffunrehearsed


  1. in a casually inconsiderate manner
    1. replied offhand, his mind a million miles away
    2. she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter

    Synonym:    offhandoffhandedly

  2. without previous thought or preparation
    1. couldn't give the figures offhand
    2. we decided offhand to go to Canada
    3. she had made these remarks offhandedly

    Synonym:    offhandoffhandedly