They appear to be in a mood to vote against office-holders in the elections. 他们在选举中似乎不愿选身居高位的人。
With the growth and shift upmarket of the conference business, and a ban on current office-holders taking speaking fees, former officials can make a mint. 随着会议业的发展并转向高端市场,加之美国禁止在职官员收取演讲费,离职官员可以赚个盆满钵满。
That "competent office-holders shall be protected, appointments to government posts based not on party affiliation but on competency and seniority, and the holding of concurrent posts and the practice of favouritism forbidden"; “保障称职人员,用人不分派别,以能力、资历为标准,禁止兼职及私人援引”;
They are traditionally selected from among boys considered to be reincarnations of deceased office-holders. 他们传统上是从被认为是已故高僧转世的男孩中选出来的。
The corruption is considered as the behavior that the office-holders misuse the public authority for getting expedience. 腐败被认为是国家公职人员滥用公共权力谋取私利的行为,其实质是权力的异化。