Fingerprint Comparison of the Extraction of Rhizoma Coptidis and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis Extracted by Ethanol Together and Single 黄连厚朴乙醇分提和合提提取物的指纹图谱比较
Study on HPLC Fingerprints Construction and Medicinal Materials Quality Evaluation of Cyathula Officinalis Kuan 川牛膝HPLC指纹图谱构建与药材质量评价研究
Efficacy and safety of morinda officinalis oligose capsule in the treatment of mild or moderate depression 巴戟天寡糖胶囊治疗轻、中度抑郁症的疗效和安全性
Primer screening and optimization of ISSR reaction condition for endangered medicinal plant Magnolia officinalis 濒危药用植物厚朴ISSR引物筛选及反应条件的优化
The Protective Effect and Mechanism of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 'Extract on Experimental Type 2 Diabetes in Rats 厚朴提取物对大鼠实验性2型糖尿病的保护作用及其机制研究
Isolation and Structure Characterization of Polysaccharide from Morinda officinalis How 巴戟天中一种多糖的分离与结构表征
Objective To study the influence of diaphoretic process on volatile oils of Magnolia officinalis from Daoxian in Hunan and provide reference for its quality control system. 目的研究发汗对湖南道县产厚朴中挥发油的影响,为湖南道县厚朴质量评价体系提供参考。
Objective: To establish a method using RP-HPLC for determination of the content of linarin in Buddleja officinalis Maxim. 摘要:目的:建立高效液相色谱法测定密蒙花中蒙花苷的含量。
Effect of Different Tree-Ages and Harvest Parts on the Yields and Commercial Characters of Magnolia officinalis 树龄与采集部位对厚朴药材产量和商品性状的影响研究
Study on Extraction of Volatile Components from Morinda officinalis How by Different Methods 不同方法提取巴戟天挥发性成分的研究
Bouncing Bet: a perennial Eurasian herb ( Saponaria officinalis) having dense clusters of pink to whitish flowers. 肥皂草:一种多年生的欧亚草本植物(肥皂草肥皂草属),花簇稠密,颜色介于粉红至白色之间。
Study on the Anti-allergic and Antioxidant Effect of Sanguisorba officinalis Extract 地榆提取物抗氧化与抗过敏作用研究
The Cornus officinalis more is fit for in growing on the stone medium light loam of gravel content. 在满足土壤肥力和地貌条件之外,山茱萸更适合于在石砾含量中等的轻壤土上生长。
Determination of loganin in fruit of Cornus officinalis from different harvesting time 不同采收期山茱萸中马钱苷的含量测定
HPLC Fingerprint of the Antiarrhythmic Fraction of Valeriana officinalis 缬草抗心律失常有效部位的HPLC指纹图谱研究
Effects of tea polyphenols and Salvia officinalis on pork antioxidation 茶多酚和鼠尾草对猪肉的抗氧化效果
ConclusionDifferent kinds of life elements have been found in the Morinda officinalis. 结论巴戟天含有多种生命元素。
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Cold-resistant of Cornus Officinalis 植物生长调节剂对山茱萸抗寒性的影响
Changes of functional components such as asparagus, rutin, saponins of asparagus officinalis were investigated during storage period. 本文研究了芦笋贮藏过程中天门冬酰胺、芦丁、芦笋皂甙等功能成分的变化规律。
The extraction and separation techniques of oligoprocyanidins ( OPC) from the root of wild Sanguisorba officinalis Linn. 对吉林地区野生地榆根低聚原花青素(OPC)进行了提取分离工艺研究。
Variation of Leaf Characters and Seedling Growth of Magnolia officinalis With Different Provenances 不同种源厚朴叶片性状变异及幼苗生长量研究
Effect of different extraction methods of Rhizoma Coptidis and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis on small intestinal function in mice 黄连、厚朴不同提取方法对小鼠小肠功能的影响
ObjectiveTo observe the protective effect of extract from Morindae officinalis on the oxidative injury of human sperm motility. 目的观察巴戟天水提物对人精子运动功能氧化损伤的保护作用。
OBJECTIVE To review the general situation of the study on Valeriana officinalis Linn. 目的综述宽叶缬草的化学成分与药理活性方面的研究进展。
Determination of Oligosaccharides in Morinda officinalis How by HPLC/ ESI-MS HPLC/ESI-MS法测定巴戟天中的低聚糖
ObjectiveTo study the optimal extraction process for ursolic acid from Rosmarinus officinalis. 目的研究溶剂提取法从迷迭香中提取熊果酸的最佳工艺。
Effects of biological characteristics and multiplication methods on the quality of Morinda officinalis 巴戟天的生物学特性和繁殖方式对其品质的影响
Resource Survey of Medicinal Plant of Morinda officinalis How in Guangdong and Fujian Provinces 广东省和福建省巴戟天药用植物资源调查研究
The Research of Ecological Factors and Molecular Mechanism Which Have Influential to the Genuineness of Radix Morindae Officinalis 巴戟天道地药材形成的生态因子及分子机制研究
Study on Fingerprint of Crude and Processed Cornus officinalis by HPLC 山茱萸炮制前后的HPLC指纹图谱研究