Oftentimes, these fossils are not made available to science at all 科学界常常压根接触不到这些化石。
Oftentimes, I wouldn't even return the calls 我甚至经常不回电话。
It was oftentimes difficult to discuss certain issues while he was in the room. 他在场的时候,有些问题常常没法讨论。
Oftentimes, these are very open people and are easier to connect with than you think. 通常来说,这些人都非常开放,也比你想象中的还要容易接触。
We're finding that businesses who have bedbugs oftentimes will close to remediate the problem. 我们发现,经常闹臭虫的企业得歇业来处理这个问题。
However, in this world, oftentimes there are no so-called "right" and "wrong". 然而这个世界上,很多事情本来就没所谓对与错。
Oftentimes you need to modify many files. 你经常需要修改很多文件。
These challenges may be well known, but solutions for them, oftentimes, are not. 这些难题可能大家都很熟悉,但对它们的解决方案常常没什么人了解。
Oftentimes we feel pressure to sign up to a schedule and commit too early in the development phase. 通常在开发阶段,我们对在一个时间表签字并早早地负起责任感到压力。
Oftentimes, a bug fix or enhancement spans multiple files and various sections of code in each file. bug补丁或改进常常涉及多个文件和每个文件中的不同代码段。
Oftentimes, developers who are proficient with one system are not so with the other. 通常,精通某个系统的开发人员对其他系统并不熟悉。
Oftentimes, there are files you never want to copy to a backup or an archive. 常常有一些文件不希望复制到备份或存档中。
Oftentimes, developers leave themselves a comment in the code, but these are easy to forget. 开发人员时常在代码中留下注释,但是这些注释很容易遗忘。
And oftentimes they are also the cause of happiness in others me in particular. 通常,他们也是别人快乐的来源,对我尤其如此。
Oftentimes, you're feeling groggy in the mornings because you're not getting good-quality sleep. 很多时候,你早晨起来时感到头晕目眩是因为你没有得到高质量的睡眠。
27. Oftentimes just makes me shiver with annoyance. 27.Oftentimes(经常)会让我恼怒得直哆嗦。
She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say even before I do, and most of the time she knows exactly when not to say anything to me at all. 通常,我还没开口她就知道我要说什么了;而且,在我不想和人答腔的时候,她都能感受到,并做到缄口不言。
Similar to the way I have oftentimes spoken to my hairdresser. 类似我对美发师的说话方式。
You mourn the loss, have conflicting emotions – but oftentimes there's a sense of relief. 你为失去而忧伤,产生矛盾的情感,但时常觉的解脱。
So, oftentimes you'll just be asked about ionization energy. 经常你们会被问到关于电离能。
Oftentimes I choose to stay in a Marriott Group hotel, or in a hotel of our competitors. 我经常入住万豪集团的酒店,有时候也会选择竞争对手经营的酒店。
Oftentimes in denying yourself pleasure you do but store the desire in the recessed of your being. 通常在你拒绝追寻快乐时,你只不过是把追寻快乐的欲望潜藏到心中的更深处而已。
Oftentimes, you will be called upon to debug an exception that occurred in the production environment. 通常,您需要调试一个生产环境中产生的异常。
Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we "click". 时常地,当我们第一次遇见某人时,我们会感觉彼此“合得来”。
Oftentimes we see a boom microphone when reporters are interviewing someone in the crowds. 记者要穿过人潮中采访某人的场合中最容易看到吊杆式麦克风。
It is oftentimes practical that entities or their various personalities visit one plane before another. 实际情形时常是,实体们或他们的不同人格造访一个层面,接着造访另一个层面。
System's Engineers oftentimes filled that gap but they're focus was on revenue and not marketing. 系统的工程师往往填补这一差距,但他们的重点是税收,而不是营销。
Oftentimes david's Chinese-American classmate has to interrupt them. 大卫的华裔同学常常不得不打断他们。
This means that her feedback is oftentimes harsh, but always productive and helpful. 这意味着她的反馈时常是苛刻的,但总是生产和乐于助人的。