Do I have ogive the bank any collateral? 我是否要向银行提供财产担保?
The fixed expansion points of the general shroud allow a better definition of local shock locations than on ogive type shrouds. 一般外壳的固定膨胀点能比蛋形外壳更好地限定局部激波的位置。
The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to read values from a cumulative frequency ogive. 6西格玛黑带应能从累计频次尖顶部读出数值。
An Experimental Investigation of the Magnus Effect of the Ogive Cylinder in the Supersonic Wind Tunnel Analysis of Surface Wave on an Ogive 尖拱圆柱体弹丸超音速马格纳斯效应风洞实验研究橄榄体上表面波分析
The models are applied to four hypersonic complex flows with shock wave/ boundary layer interaction. These benchmark flows are: a 2 D supersonic compression corner flow, an ogive cylinder flare flow, and an oblique shock wave/ turbulent boundary layer interaction. 选择四个基准流动&超声速和高超声速二维压缩拐角、锥柱裙组合体绕流和斜激波/平板湍流边界层干扰进行了数值计算。
Deals with oblique penetration of ogive projectile for hard target, applicable in velocities ranging from 300~ 800m/ s. The calculated results are in good agreement with the test data. 研究了卵型弹丸对硬目标斜侵彻时的阻力分布,适用速度范围300~800m/s,与试验结果吻合较好。
Dynamic Stress Experimental Investigation of Projectile Ogive of Armor-piercing Bomb under Shock Load 冲击荷载作用下穿甲弹风帽的动应力试验研究
Oblique penetration of an ogive-nosed rod into the aluminum target 卵形杆弹对铝靶的斜侵彻
Therefore, the engineering evaluation method of aerodynamic characteristics for the tow target with ogive nose is satisfied with engineering design. 因此本文提供的估算方法能满足拱形头部一类拖靶的工程设计要求。
Calculated results of aerodynamic loads on a tangent-ogive forebody compare favorably with experimental data. 对一个切拱头体计算出的气动力特性与实验结果相符。
The research of shock and vortex interaction on an ogive cylinder body at high ANGIES of attack 大迎角时卵柱体上旋涡与激波作用的研究
The modified Baldwin Lomax algebraic turbulent model is used to numerically simulate high incidence vortical flows about a tangent ogive cylinder. 以修正的Baldwin-Lomax代数模型模拟湍流流动。
The backscattering results of benchmark targets such as big-sphere, NASA almond, ogive, double ogive and cone-sphere, are given in this paper, they agree very well with the measurement. 本文给出了基准目标如导体球、杏仁核、双橄榄体等的后向散射结果,这些结果均与测量值吻合很好,充分说明了本文方法的高效性。
Study on millimetric wave radome ogive made from composite materials ⅱ the forming process of radome ogive and its properties 毫米波复合材料雷达罩的研制Ⅱ雷达罩的成型工艺和性能
Merit-Turning-Back The electromagnetic scattering characteristics of partially coated ogive have been calculated by hybrid method and many valuable results have been obtained through analysing the effects of the surface wave on ogive. 本文用高频近似法和数值法相结合的混合法计算局部涂敷介质的橄榄体的电磁散射特性,分析橄榄体上表面波效应,得到许多有价值的结果。
This provides a condition for shock and vortex interaction on an ogive cylinder body. 这就构成了卵柱体上旋涡与激波发生作用的条件。
This paper mainly provides several two-parameter normal ogive models with simple structure: unidimensional IRT model, multi-unidimensional IRT model which has been called multidimensional model with simple structure or the between-items multidimensional and constrained multi-unidimensional model. 这篇论文主要考虑几种结构简单的双参数正态卵形项目反应模型:一维模型,简单结构的多维模型即多元一维模型以及受限制的多元一维模型。
The armor penetration capability relating to false ogive thickness and material. The design should be reasonable thickness, should try to use small density and high strength materials as false ogive material. 风帽厚度和材料对弹丸穿甲性能有一定影响,设计时应选择合理的厚度,应尽量选用密度小、强度高的材料作为风帽材料。