Android Market is for OHA as in Open Handset Alliance members only. Android市场只面向开放手机联盟的成员开放。
The maker has to join the OHA to get the market. 要想联入Android市场,厂商就必须加入OHA。
While the big Chinese and Taiwan companies like HTC, Acer, Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo might be OHA members, all the smaller companies, which often make the tablets, are not. 尽管许多来自中国大陆和台湾的大型厂商,如宏达电(HTC)、宏碁、华为、中兴和联想等可能都加入了OHA,但那些往往会推出平板电脑的小型厂商却并不是OHA的成员。
Earlier this year, the Ontario Hospital Association ( OHA) hosted a one-day educational forum, The Emergency Department Patient Experience: From Measurement to Outcomes. 今年早些时候,安大略省医院协会(OHA)的举办了为期一天的教育论坛,急诊科的患者体验:从测量结果。
From the research on the enzyme from Bacillus circulans, we can find that OHA and LHA are enhanced by the addition of Na+ and K+ at different rates, Mg 2+ activates OHA but inhibits LHA. 对环状芽孢杆菌的乳糖酶研究发现,Na+和K+能不同程度地促进OHA和LHA;Mg2+能增强OHA,对LHA却表现出抑制作用。
⑵ With the increase of course, inpatients respectively with therapy of OHA or insulin significantly decreased and increased, but the overall ratio of insulin was low. ⑵老年DM住院患者随病程延长口服降糖药治疗者明显减少,胰岛素应用比例逐渐增加,但总体胰岛素使用率较低;
It's also a very good supplemental treatment and can be the alternative of Insulin in certain extent. 说明针刺配合黄连素、食母生治疗糖尿病型继发OHA失效,具有明显疗效,是很好的补充疗法,并在一定程度上可替代胰岛素的应用。
Conclusion: In order to obtain better therapeutic effect, we suggested the elderly diabetic patients with poor plasma glucose control by OHA take insulin timely; 通过上述研究提示:对于老年糖尿病患者经口服降糖药治疗后病情仍然控制不良者应及时采用或加用胰岛素治疗,以进一步提高疗效;
The inpatients with good and general control of admission HbA1c mostly took OHA, while those with bad HbA1c control mostly took insulin. 入院HbA1c控制良好和一般患者住院时采用口服降糖药物治疗较多,而HbA1c控制不良者则较多采用胰岛素治疗;
And Google has joined with number of companies to form the OHA. But, the boot process of intelligent mobile phone system is generally quite slow. 但是,目前智能手机系统开机启动过程普遍比较慢。