Variation in expression of outwardly rectifying potassium currents was found in OHCs with different length, namely, potassium conductance was greater in short OHC than in tall OHC. 不同长度OHC的外向整流钾电流存在系统差异,短OHC表现出大的钾电导,长OHC则相反。
Methods: Determine the content of Ca 2+ in red blood cell and Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity in cellular membrane and urine 17 OHcs during 24 hour period in 102 cases with chronic gastritis and 30 healthy cases. 方法:测定102例慢性胃炎患者和30例正常人红细胞〔Ca2+〕i、ATP含量、膜Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase活性和24h尿17-羟皮质类固醇排出量。
Results OHCs of group A arranged tidily in three rows and showed characteristic V-arranged stereocilia. 结果谷胱甘肽组耳蜗三排外毛细胞呈V字型排列有序。
Conclusion The data indicate that ACh, the neurotransmitter of efferent auditory nerve in cochlea, activates the nicotinic receptor to open the calcium channel in OHC membrane and increase [ Ca 2+] I of OHCs, which is extracellular Ca 2+-dependent. 结论豚鼠耳蜗传出神经递质ACh通过兴奋N受体,开放OHC的细胞膜钙离子通道,使细胞外Ca2+内流外毛细胞内;[Ca2+]i增加需要细胞外液中钙离子存在。
Using foam rubber 17-ketosteroid ( 17-KS) and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid ( 17-OHCS) were separated and collected in urine. 用聚氨脂海绵对人尿内17-酮类固醇(17-KS)和17-羟皮质类固醇(17-OHCS)进行分离和富集。
Objective To observe the space-time patterns of damaged outer hair cells ( OHCs) in rat cochlea at the early stage after exposure to impulse noise. 目的观察强脉冲噪声暴露后早期大鼠耳蜗毛细胞损伤发展的规律。
The Deiters cell, the headplates of the pillar cells and the inner pillar cells were also stained, moreover the staining intensity of the headplates of the pillar cells were stronger than OHCs in all turns. 内、外柱细胞和Deiters细胞染色明亮,其中耳蜗各转外柱细胞头板的显色亮度都强于OHCs。
Objective: To study the effects of acoustic stimuli upon intracellular free calcium concentration(〔 Ca2+ 〕 I) of cochlear outer hair cells ( OHCs) isolated from guinea pigs. 目的:探讨声波对离体耳蜗内外毛细胞(OHC)内游离Ca2+浓度(〔Ca2+〕i)的影响。
Objective: To investigate the effects of exposure to blast underpressure ( BUP) on intracellular free Ca~ ( 2+) concentrations ( [ Ca~ ( 2+)] I) in outer hair cells ( OHCs). 目的:观察实验性冲击波负压(BUP)暴露对豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响。
One GABA-IR positive nerve fiber could form synapse with 6-7 OHCs. 一根GABA-IR阳性的神经纤维,在外毛细胞区可形成6~7个终末。