Another alternative is to try to qualify your child for an Other Health Impaired ( OHI) plan. 另一种方法是尝试其他健康欠佳计划(OHI)。
Our commitment to science and quality control has earned OHI recognition within the industry as a trusted supplier of ingredients of the highest quality. 我们致力于科学和质量的控制,作为一个可信任的和能够提供高质量产品的供应商,长沙康隆生物制品有限公司在这个领域声名远播。
Essentially, OHI status was created to satisfy parents who insist that their child needs documented assistance in school. 从本质上讲,OHI是为了满足那些坚持自己的孩子需要援助,这种帮助应该以文件的方式记录下来的家长的。
OHI has advanced in-home lab as well as professional R& D people swift response to any of your request. 长沙康隆生物制品有限公司有着先进的实验室和专业的研发人员。
A Revision of the Organizational Health Inventory for Secondary Schools 中学组织健康量表(OHI)的修订