The resolutions were announced at the OIC summit held in Dakar, Senegal, this month ( 13 – 14 March). 这些决议是本月(3月13-14日)在塞内加尔首都达喀尔举行的OIC峰会上宣布的。
But much of the initiative must come from OIC countries themselves, Naim said. 但是Naim说,这个项目的大部分应该来自OIC国家本身。
Q: when will the OIC be held and the recruitment take place? 问:课程于何时举行及招生?
Pan-OIC technology trade fairs are proposed as a way to improve links between technology, research and industry. 决议还提议建立泛OIC技术交易会,作为改善技术、研究和工业之间联系的一种方式。
The programme seeks to help female technologists share professional experience and knowledge by setting up mentorships between women in OIC countries and the United States. 该项目通过在OIC成员国和美国的女性之间建立导师关系从而寻求帮助女性技术人员分享专业经验和知识。
The Process of Increasing Organizational Intellectual Capital& An Example of Radical OIC Increase 组织智力资本增长过程研究&以突变型组织智力资本增长为例
High-Torgue Energy-Saving Motors Used for Optimizing the Running Efficiency of oic pump 运用高转矩节能电机优化抽油机运行效率
Objective Study the effect of inhalation 13-cis-retinoic acid ( 13-cis-RA) on retin-oic acid receptors of rat lung. 目的研究吸入13顺式维甲酸(13-cis-RA)对鼠肺部维甲酸受体(RAR)的影响。
Australia is the member of OIC/ S, and its GMP standard is basically same as that of PIC/ S. 澳大利亚是PIC/S成员,其GMP基本采用了PIC/S的GMP。