OIP is the focal point of coordination for FDA's global engagement. 国际项目办公室是美国食品与药品管理局全球视野的协调焦点。
Objective: To analyze the diagnoses and treatment effects for orbital inflammatory pseudotumors ( OIP). 目的:探讨眶内炎性假瘤的诊断与治疗效果。
Large deviation will appear if material balance equation of the gas reservoir for calculating OIP is used directly in this production scheme. 在此开采方式下,直接采用气藏物质平衡方程进行地质储量计算将出现很大偏差。
OIP is the only German furniture manufacturer in China, and provides one of the most acclaimed quality levels for furniture in the country. 伊办,是中国唯一的德国家具制造商,并提供了在该国最负盛名的家具质量水平之一。
For the US Pavilion OIP supplied a large multimedia terminal, where visitors can experience an interactive show. 对于美国馆伊办·提供一个大型的多媒体终端,在那里游客可以体验互动节目。
According to production data for more than 2 years, the dynamic OIP is 1010 × 104t by using of both elastic constant manner and material balance equation respectively. 根据两年多的生产动态资料,用弹性产率法和物质平衡方程计算的油田储量为1010万t。
Development of A Testing system for Automotive Oip pumps 汽车机油泵试验系统的研制
Optical information processing ( OIP) combines the characteristics of having large-capability, high-speed, parallelism and simple configuration, so it has many important applications in two-dimension image information storage, image enhancement, feature recognition, and estimation on image quality. 光学信息处理由于具有容量大、速度快、并行性及装置简单等优点,在二维图像信息存储、图像增强、特征识别、现代像质评价等许多方面有着重要的应用。
METHOD: Patients with organic phosphorus were treated by complex therapy and positive pressure ventilation in case of presentation of respiratory failure. 方法:在抢救OIP患者时,采用综合措施,特别是出现呼吸衰竭时,使用正压机械通气方法治疗。
The Office Information Platform ( OIP) plays a more and more important role in business than before. 办公信息平台在企业中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。