Next I wonder if the woman in my book would be in receipt of the Oka catalogue and whether any of its bootroomia could find its way into my book? 接下来我就寻思,我书中的这个女人是否收到了oka目录,它的靴室是否进到了我的书中?
Additionally, Oka sits on the Celebrity Cabinet of the American Red Cross. 此外,奥卡坐在名人内阁的美国红十字会。
Oka was born in Tokyo, Japan, and moved to Los Angeles at age6, where he currently resides. 奥卡出生在东京,日本,搬到洛杉机6岁,在那里他目前居住。
This paper discusses Chinese impression in Japanese scholars yes in Meiji Restoration based on Japanese sinologists Oka Senjin's Sightseeing Notes. 本文从日本汉学家冈千仞撰写的《观光纪游》入手,考察明治时期日本文人眼中的中国印象。
Oka starred in the feature film remake of a television classic "Get Smart" and its companion DVD release," Get Smarter," which were both released in2008. 冈主演的电影翻拍的电视经典的“智能”及其伴侣影碟发行,“聪明,”这是释放2008。
Research with rust coating of oxygen of the ring 关于Oka层的刻画带锈涂料的研究
Investigation into responsibility of war, return of historical justice to us& Behind reconciliation of litigation Hana Oka ( granite) Incident 追究战争责任还我历史公道&花冈事件诉讼案和解的背后
The network flow programming is characterized by simple manipulation, fast and reliable convergence, while the OKA can treat nonzero lower bounds and may initiate with any set of flows ( including infeasible flow) which satisfies Conservation of flow. 网络规划法具有运算简便、快速、收敛可靠的特点,而OKA又能处理非零下界约束和不可行流的情况,特别适于解算具有安全约束的有功再调度问题。
The level and positive seroconverted rate of anti-VZV IgG in sera of children immunized with Beijing strain were analyzed, and compared with those for Oka strain vaccine. 运用此法对不同剂量北京株水痘疫苗接种后儿童血清中特异性抗体进行检测,分析儿童血清中水痘特异性抗体水平以及免后抗体阳转率,并与Oka株水痘疫苗进行比较。
Molecular Biological Characteristics, Immunogenicity and Safety of Live Attenuated Varicella Vaccine Oka Strain 水痘减毒活疫苗Oka株的分子生物学特性免疫原性及安全性
This paper reports on the application of "Out-of-Kilter Algorithm" ( OKA) to the real power economic dispatch with security constraints. 本文应用网流技术中不良状态校正法(OutofKilterAlgorithm,简称OKA),研究了具有安全约束的有功经济调度问题。
Varicella vaccine has been shown to induce the specific humoral and cellular immunity after immunization, in both healthy and immunocompromised individuals, and vaccination appears to offer protection against varicella. 健康和免疫系统受损的个体,在接种Oka株水痘减毒活疫苗后都能产生特异性的体液和细胞介导的免疫应答,并能预防水痘的发生。
Studies on biological characteristics of Oka strain of Varicella virus Oka株水痘病毒的生物学特性研究