Okey, let's listen to the original sound track. 好了,让我们先来听听电影原声吧。
You shall okey the rules. 你要遵守规则。
The planet wondered if it was okey for its children to be eaten. 盖雅一直在困惑为什么要吃掉自己的孩子。
And, okey, they little dark-haired girl's Alice. 那位身材小小的黑发女孩是爱丽丝。
( Z): Okey, Miss Lin, we will let you know. (朱):林小姐,我们会再通知你。
In English-speaking cultures it is okey to agree and disagree openly. 在英语文化中公开表示同意或不同意是很正常的。
Husband: It's okey. I just drink beer. 老公:那好。我只喝酒。
So every time she would say something even if I disagreed with her I would just say "Okey whatever you want Mom." 因此呢,每一次,不管她说什么,哪怕我不赞成,我也会说:“行,您说怎样就怎样吧,妈妈。”
Okey, let's see what the bad news is. 好吧,让我们看看账单上到底是多少。
Husband: It's okey. I'm not in the80%. 丈夫:还不错。我不是在那80%里面。
Okey, so we stay on our toes in the tower. 好吧!我们就在指挥塔里提心吊胆好了。
Mike: No, I'm not okey, We never should have come here. 不,我不好,我们就不该来这里。
Sleep in a room with the windows open Okey, let's clear the air. 在窗户敞开的屋里睡觉好吧!让我们敞开谈谈。
Okey, now lets all introduce yourself students! 好了,现在轮到每位学生自我介绍。
I'm okey, I really am now. 其实整首歌的歌词我都很喜欢!
Okey. We're gonna talk about this, but 我们待会儿再谈这事但是
I broke my hand, okey? It's legit. 我的手受伤了,对吧?这是正当的。
I enjoy being liked or being loved, but if somebody does not like me or does not approve of me, I will be still okey and still think I am a okey person. 我知道他是真的爱我,爱的无可救药的那种。虽然我很想说服自己不是,可是不行。