Workers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan. 允许工人们不参加最近的老年保险计划。
We should actively address population aging and vigorously develop old-age services. 积极应对人口老龄化,大力发展老龄服务事业和产业。
In1991, China began to try out the old-age insurance system in some of the rural areas. 1991年,中国部分农村地区开始进行养老保险制度试点。
The most thorough way to improve the old-age pension system in China is to develop economy and promote productivity. 发展经济、提高生产力水平是改善我国养老保险制度的最根本途径。
Under the pressure of population aging, it is urgent to explore community old-age care system in Chongqing. 重庆市在人口老龄化压力下,探索社区养老日益迫切。
As the core of the social security system, social insurance includes old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance. 社会保障系统的核心是社会保险,这包括了老年保险,失业吧保险,医疗保险,工伤保险,生育保险。
New Public Service and the Government Management of Rural Old-Age Insurance 新公共服务与农村养老保险中的政府管理
The old-age insurance system for village cadres were established. 建立了村干部养老保险制度。
Establishing and improving the old-age insurance system is the basic requirement of social sustained, rapid and sound development. 养老保险制度改革关系到所有企业职工和退休人员的切身利益,关系到社会的稳定和发展。
The aggravating trend of aging population brings impact to the social Old-age system's sustainable development. 我国人口老龄化趋势的加剧对社会养老保障制度的可持续发展带来了很大的冲击。
The third part analyzes the status of old-age security model in Chinese city. 第三部分分析我国目前城市养老模式的情况。
A Study of China's Urban Communities Construction on Old-age Insurance System 关于构建我国城镇社区养老保险体系的研究和探索
Social welfare program in the U.S.; includes old-age and survivors insurance and some unemployment insurance and old-age assistance. 美国的社会福利项目;包括老人和幸存者的保险费以及一些失业保险和老年补助。
The Development of the Rural Population and Old-age Security System Innovation in Rural China 中国农村养老保障的制度创新与农村人口发展
The establishment of basic old-age pension and medical insurance systems in urban areas has made significant headway. 城镇基本养老保险制度和基本医疗保险制度建设迈出重大步伐。
The existing old-age security system for employees and retirees from government institutions remain unchanged. 此外,机关事业单位职工和退休人员仍实行原有的养老保障制度。
The basic old-age pension insurance system for employees of state organs and institutions shall be improved. 完善机关事业单位职工基本养老保险制度。
One, family is the primary caretaker of old-age and illness in the East. 家庭养老是主要的看守和疾病在东部。
Reflection and Prospects of Rural China's Social Old-age Insurance System 对中国农村社会养老保险制度的思考与展望
Like many other metropolises in the world, Vienna has entered an old-age society. 和许多发达城市一样,维也纳也早就进入了老龄社会。
However, the key of rural old-age security system establishment in China is "fund". 而农村养老保障制度的建立与完善,关键在于“资金”二字。
The government raised the salaries of employees of government departments and institutions and the level of old-age pensions for retirees. The basic old-age pensions for retirees from enterprises were also raised. 国家提高了机关事业单位职工工资和离退休人员养老金水平,增加了企业离退休人员基本养老金。
A working station for handling the old-age insurance has been set up in this housing estate. 小区设立了一个养老保险办理工作站。
The Responsibility of Government, Enterprises and Individuals for Old-Age Security System: The Enlightenment from Hong Kong Mode 养老保障中政府、企业和个人的责任定位&香港模式的启示
A Statistical Study on Target Substitute Rate of China's Old-age Pension 我国养老金目标替代率的统计研究
Old-Age Pensions and Life Course in Rural China: The Emergence of Modern Retirement? 养老和中国农村的生活课程:现代退休的出现?
Perhaps when I think I left enough money in old-age home, I can release the. 或许当我认为我留给家里的钱够养老时我就能够解脱了。
Develop the old-age insurance socialized service by industrializing the establishment and development of the social service facilities and network; 发展养老社会化服务,建立、发展为老年人服务的设施和网络,使之产业化。
Studying the Innovation of Rural Old-age Security System in Our Country 创新我国农村养老保障制度的对策研究
The old-age right has several characteristics, such as its universality, qualification, foundation, sociality and comprehensiveness. 养老权具有普遍性、资格性、基础性、社会性、综合性的特点。