夹竹桃 An oleander is an evergreen tree or shrub that has white, pink, or purple flowers. Oleanders grow in Mediterranean countries and in some parts of Asia and Australia.
Citrus cultures, cedars and oleanders which are very seldom in the climate grow in the park. 公园里生长着一些在这个气候里里很罕见的柑橘、香柏树、夹竹桃。
Standing upstairs, I could easily reached the heightshoots of oleanders as long as I stretched out my hands. 我伸手到栏外,就可以抓到夹竹桃的顶枝。
Or, perhaps, your path was through the garden of the gods, where the merry multitude of jasmine, lilies, and oleanders fell into your arms in heaps, and entering your heart became boisterous. 也许,你正在天国的花园里漫步,俏丽的素馨、百合、夹竹桃争鲜斗妍,缤纷的落英飘洒在你合抱的双臂中,落在你热情洋溢的心上。
White and pink oleanders meet and make merry in different dialects. 红色和白色的夹竹桃相遇,在不同的方言里笑笑闹闹。