The results showed: 6 species of the benthic macroinvertebrates, including 2 species of Oligochaeta and 4 species of Chironomidae larvae, have been recorded. 研究发现:南海子底栖大型无脊椎动物有6种,其中寡毛类有2种、摇蚊幼虫有4种;
In these two sites, the benthic animal community were mainly composed of oligochaeta and chironmus larva, they were adaptive to low concentration DO and were resistive to organic pollution. 西湖和青山水库底栖动物群落主要由寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫组成,存在适应低溶氧、耐有机污染的种群。
Bioluminescent earthworms ( Oligochaeta) are world wide living. 发光蚯蚓在世界范围内广泛分布。
Other species including oligochaeta, nematode, chironomus and water mites were also recorded. 共发现轮虫28种,甲壳类8种,还发现寡毛类、线虫、摇蚊幼虫、水螨等种类。