The interior glial cells, likened to vertebrate oligodendroglia, are large and flatened with numerous processes each of which wraps a different photoreceptor axon. 侧单眼神经内的神经胶质细胞大而平整,具有许多突起物(相当于脊椎动物的少突神经胶质细胞),每一个突起物包被一个感光轴突。
Conclusions The nitric oxide produced by the glial cells might play a key role in the process of EAE in regard to the destruction of the blood brain barrier in the early stage and the myelin and the oligodendroglia in progressing stage. 结论提示一氧化氮是EAE早期血脑屏障破坏以及进展期髓鞘和少突胶质细胞破坏的重要介导物质。
Transcellular Transport of Fluorescent Dye from Axons to Oligodendroglia in Developing Optic Nerve 荧光染料在视神经脊髓鞘形成期从轴突至少突胶质细胞的扩散
Objective Neural stem cells ( NSCs) are a subtype of tissue-specific progenitor cells that is capable of extended self-renewal and the ability to generate all major cell types of nervous tissue, such as neurons, astroglia and oligodendroglia. 目的神经干细胞是指具有分化为神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的能力,能自我更新并能提供大量脑组织细胞的细胞群。