A clinical and laboratory study on a case of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ( HED) accompanied by oligodontia HED伴多数牙先天缺失1例的临床研究
In case 2 the proband and his father have oligodontia, and the female of the family are normal, it suggest that oligodontia may be Y-linked hereditary disease. 病例2中只有父亲和儿子为多数牙先天缺失患者,家系中的女性无此现象,说明多数牙先天缺失可能为Y连锁遗传病。
However, the research about the relationship between these signal molecules and transcription factors with diseases got few achievement. For example, what is the molecule mechanism of oligodontia? 但这些信号分子和转录因子与疾病的关系的研究却进展缓慢,例如多数牙先天缺失的分子机制究竟是什么?至今还不甚明确。
Oligodontia is a severe subtype of congenital missing teeth, with the performance of non-syndromes. 其中少牙畸形(oligodontia)是一种严重的先天性缺牙亚型,表现为非综合征型。