These antisense oligos were injected into the lateral ventricles of mouse brain using a Hamilton micro syringe, with saline and oligos of scramble sequences as controls. 用Hamilton微量注射器将反义核酸注射到小鼠的侧脑室,并以注射生理盐水和随机序列核酸组作为对照。
The Expression of Embryo Lewis Y Oligos a cch a ride in Different Culture Conditions 不同培养条件下胚胎Lewisy寡糖的表达
Clustering with concise oligos compostion, untranslated regions always cluster together first, coding region and non-coding region gathered last. 以简并寡核昔酸为变量,非编码区的对应区域首先聚为一类,最后非编码区与编码区聚合。
Soy oligos could improve the desiccation-tolerance of soybean seed. The bifidus factor in soy oligosaccharides is beneficial for human physiological function and will be more popular as soy food. 大豆低聚糖除能提高种子的耐脱水性,还是重要的双歧功能因子之一,具有对人体有益的生理功能,是一种很有发展前景的功能性食品。