At the time of consultation, advanced age, oliguria, hepatic failure, respiratory failure, sepsis, and thrombocytopenia were associated with mortality. 研究的同时发现,老年,少尿,肝衰竭,呼吸衰竭,败血症和血小板减少症与死亡率相关。
Objective: To analyze the causes of postoperative oliguria of renal transplantation and explore related nursing tactics. 前言:目的:探讨肾移植术后少尿原因和护理对策。
Diuretic stuff: mannitol is a kind of mild laxative lapactic, which has a special curative effect to oliguria and the kidney function failure caused by dropsy, burnt and so on. 利尿剂,甘露醇是一种温和的轻泻剂,对水肿,烧伤等引起的少尿症及肾功能衰退有特殊疗效。
Blood incompatibilities can also result in tubular damage and severe oliguria. 血型不合也能导致肾小管损害和严重的少尿。
In this study, the imaging features of kidney were analyzed according to the stages of the disease, that is the pyretogenesis stage, shock stage, oliguria stage, and diuretic stage. 本文分析了肾脏影像改变与出血热患者在发热期、休克期、少尿期、多尿期中肾脏改变和病情的关系。
This association persisted after adjustment for APACHE II, Multiple Organ Failure score, or the combined covariates cirrhosis, sepsis, oliguria, and mechanical ventilation. 在通过APACHEII,多器官衰竭评分或与硬化,脓毒血症,少尿和机械通气协同变异校正后,这种关联性仍持续存在。
During mass bleeding, serious arrhythmia and oliguria did not occur in any case. 大出血期间及术后未发现严重心律失常及少尿。
The diagnosis was based on the severe hyperuricemia, oliguria, acute deterioration of renal function, and urate crystal deposition in the renal collecting ducts in renal biopsy. 肾脏切片显示出尿酸结晶堆积于收集管中、诊断为急性尿酸性肾病变。
Oliguria is observed after hydration. 输液后仍然少尿。
Burns: to reduce local oedema and to prevent oliguria from progressing to complete anuria. 烧伤:以减少当地的水肿,并防止少尿从进展,以完成无尿。
With ascites and portal hypertension, NO was also high, With oliguria and ascites, 24 hours excretion of urine NO decreased. 伴有腹水及门脉高压患者的血清NO水平也明显升高,有少尿和腹水的患者24小时尿NO排出减少。
Accompanied central respiratory failure after birth; Persistent oliguria and anuria. 窒息新生儿预后与出生时复苏时间>10min、血pH值<7.0、并发中枢性呼吸衰竭以及持续少尿和无尿有关。
The clinical analysis of 43 cases burned accompanied by oliguria acute renal failure 烧伤并发少尿型急性肾功能衰竭43例临床分析
Patients of EHF should be monitored strictly oliguria stage and decrease above-mentioned risk factors. EHF少尿期患者应予严密监护,避免上述危险因素;
CONCLUSION: Anisodamine is of improving and protecting the function of transplanted kidney, and of preventing and curing postoperative oliguria or anuria of transplanted kidney. 结论:山莨菪碱具有改善和保护移植肾功能,预防和治疗移植肾术后出现的少尿或无尿的作用。
Observation and Nursing of the Patients with Oliguria after Renal Transplantation 肾移植术后少尿原因及护理
97 patients presented with oliguria and 3 patients without oliguria. ARF临床表现为少尿型97例,非少尿型3例。
This paper analyses the dangerous mechanism of renal oliguria, anuria and the dangerous factors of orally decoctions of TCM; 本文分析了肾性尿少尿闭时危险因素的机制及口服中药汤剂的危险性因素;
Management of oliguria or anuria caused by upper urinary tract obstruction due to calculi 上尿路结石引起的梗阻性少尿、无尿的诊断与处理
In Group A, 12 cases needed hemofiltration during CPB because of oliguria. A组中12例因尿少在CPB过程中加用了血液超滤;
Oliguria, persistent hypotension, more impaired organs and non-dialysis were the strong prognostic factors of death. 功能不全的脏器多、少尿、持续性低血压和不透析预示死亡率增加;
Being treated with continuous renal replacement treatment ( CRRT)-hemodialysis ( HD) and complex therapy-renal function of 31 cases recovered from oliguria period; 经过连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)、血液透析(HD)及综合治疗,31例渡过少尿期,肾功能得以恢复。
Oliguria, anuria and progressive increase of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine are the main points of diagnosis. 作者认为少尿、无尿及血尿素氮、肌酐进行性增高是诊断依据;
Clinical study of newborns with non oliguria acute renal failure 新生儿非少尿型急性肾功能衰竭临床研究
The concentration of sP-selectin was remarkable positively correlated with serum levels of CRE and Urea ( P < 0.01), while sP-selectin was remarkable negatively correlated with the number of peripheral blood platelets ( P < 0.01) in patients at oliguria and polyuria phase. 少尿期及多尿期血清sP-选择素与血尿素和血肌酐均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),血清sP-选择素与外周血血小板数呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。
Objective To study the clinical features, causes, pathogenesis and prognosis of newborns with non oliguria acute renal failure. 目的探讨新生儿非少尿型急性肾功能衰竭的临床特点、病因、发病机制及预后。
Results In all 34 cases, 31 cases had inducements, 30 cases of spontaneous renal rupture occurred in oliguria stage. 结果34例EHF自发性肾破裂患者有明显诱因31例,发生在少尿期30例,左肾破裂14例,右肾破裂17例,双肾破裂3例,血小板数值<80×109/L者20例。