Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: 'I have closed the case. There was no foul play.' 昨晚伊莎贝尔·奥利娃法官说:“此案我已审结,并无谋杀嫌疑。”
UP IN THE AIR: Spanish matador Oliva Soto went flying during a bullfight in the Maestranza bullring in Seville, Spain, Monday. 刚收到的:西班牙斗牛士奥利瓦索托了在飞行期间在西班牙塞维利亚斗牛场斗牛星期一玛埃斯特朗。
S-pulse attack, Oliva scores with very long curling shot which goes over the keeper's head. 脉冲队进攻,奥利瓦一记远距离弧圈球越过守门员头顶得分。
Chinese troops pressed their assault for nearly three months before they took control of the summit. S-pulse attack, Oliva scores with very long curling shot which goes over the keeper's head. 中国军队持续进行了三个月的苦战,才攻克下峰顶。脉冲队进攻,奥利瓦一记远距离弧圈球越过守门员头顶得分。
The MIT team, led by Dr Aude Oliva, has spent over a decade creating hybrid optical illusions that show how images can be hidden with textures, words and other objects. 由奥德·奥利瓦博士领衔的麻省理工团队经过十年的努力,最终制作出了这些混合视错觉图像,向我们展示了图像是怎样被纹理、文字和其他图案隐藏起来的。
Dr Oliva's group say these images not only reveal vision problems, but can also highlight how the brain processes information. 奥利瓦博士的团队称,这类图片不仅能暴露视力问题,还显示了我们的大脑是如何处理信息的。
The theorist Archie Benito Oliva played an important role in this movement. 在这一运动中起重要作用的是理论家阿奇莱·博尼托·奥利瓦。