The most popular theory is that OK comes from "oll korrect", a deliberate misspelling of" all correct ". 答:最普遍的观点认为&OK是来自于拼错的词组“ollkorrect”,原意是“allcorrect”(什么都是对的)。
You are my doll, rock oll, feel the glamour in pink. 你是我的娃娃,到处摇滚,感到粉红中的魔力。
Thi is an example of an even-parity format, but other computers use the check bit to produce an oll parity. 这是一个偶校验的例子,而其他计算机也可使用校验位生成奇校验。
Parts to be clean ad free of MFG oll, burrs, and sharp edges. 工件应该保持清洁,没有MFG油,毛刺,锐边。
It stands for "Oll korrect", a misspelling of" All correct", usually by a famous person, most often Andrew Jackson. OK代表“Ollkorrect”,“Allcorrect”(完全正确)的拼写错误。这一拼写错误是由一位名人造成的,可能是安德鲁·杰克逊吧!
Correlative technologies of twin-r oll casting technics of thin strip 双辊铸轧薄带工艺中的相关技术
An effective example searching oll gas field by using mercury as absorbed state in soil 应用土壤吸附相态汞寻找油气田的有效实例
Philosophy and art in guiding the reconnaissance and exploration of oll and gas 油气普查勘探的找矿哲学与指导艺术
Tha presence of a hydroxyl group, in addition to an olefinic linkage, in the predominating fatty acid of castor oil, gives this vegetable oll many unique and interesting properties. 在蓖麻油的主要成分脂肪酸中,除含有一个烯键外,羟基的存在使该植物油具育许多独特的性质。
Experiments in vitro have shown that emulsion of complex OENOTHERA BIENNIS OlL has inhibitory action on the formation of lipid peroxidate in liver pulp of rats. 复方月见草油乳剂体外实验抑制大鼠肝匀浆内过氧化脂质的生成。
Measurement and correlation of the vapor pressure of flourine containing lube oll 含氟润滑油的蒸气压测定和关联
Preparation of corrosion inhibitor for disposal of oll field produced water and its mechanism 油田污水回注缓蚀剂的研制及机理
The tester covers the durable test of oll series auto ignition switch The CNC system of the tester has high flexibility, its software adopts GUI technology, and the man computer interface is novel and friendly and the operation is convenient 该试验台可以覆盖全系列的汽车点火开关的耐久性试验,该试验台的CNC系统具有很高的柔性;系统软件采用GUI技术,人机界面新颖、友好、操作方便
Applications of the Liquid Complexing Denitrifying Technology in the Producing Base Oll in No.1 Refinery 液相络合脱氮工艺在石油一厂基础油生产中的应用
Fluidized bed boiler for small oll shale lumps 小块油页岩沸腾燃烧锅炉
Study on rapid melt technique of fat and oll tanked with ring heating system 环型供热快速熔化罐装油脂技术的研究
A Study on Heterosis of Double-Low Oll Rape You Yan No. 7 双低杂交油菜油研7号杂种优势的研究
Oll exploration in oil-bearing basins in western Gansu: experience and lessons 关于甘肃西部含油远景及勘探经验教训的探讨