These index scans also help online transaction processing ( OLTP) databases and are described in much more detail in the main article. 这些索引扫描也可以帮助联机事务处理(OLP)数据库,更多细节在主文章中有说明。
The optical line protection system ( OLP) is a long-distance optical transmission network production system, which has a very important practical value. 光线路保护系统是一种基于现代通信毫秒级光开关为基础的具有重要实践意义的长距离光传输网络保护系统。
Objective To observe the clinical effect and the influence of Taixianjing Decoction on hemorheology of patients with oral lichen planus ( OLP). 目的观察苔藓净对口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)患者血液流变学的影响及临床疗效。
Objective To analyze the immune state of the patients with OLP and to discuss its pathogenesis. 目的分析OLP患者的免疫机能状态,探讨其发病机理,为OLP的临床诊治提供思路。
Oral lichen planus ( OLP) is a common, chronic inflammatory mucosal disease. 口腔扁平苔藓是常见的口腔黏膜慢性炎症性疾病。
The clinical observation of treatment of oral lichen planus by triamcinolone acetonide and BCG-PSN in the aged 曲安奈德与卡介苗多糖核酸联合治疗老年OLP短期疗效观察
Clinical studies of triamcinolone acetonide combined with total glucosides of paeony in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus in the aged 曲安奈德和帕夫林联合治疗老年糜烂型OLP疗效观察
Conclusion Microwave combined with CQ is an effective method to treat OLP. 结论微波配合氯喹治疗OLP是有效的方法。
The study on alteration of cytokeratins expression in OLP 细胞角蛋白在口腔扁平苔藓中表达的电泳研究
Methods Celular immunity and humoral immunity of32 cases with OLP were detected, the results were analyzed. 方法对32例OLP患者进行了细胞免疫,体液免疫测定,并对结果进行分析。
A Study of Assessment T Lymphocyte Subset of OLP Patient and Sorting and Culture T Lymphocyte in Vitro OLPT淋巴细胞亚群分析及T细胞分选和体外培养初步研究
The Clinical Research of TGP Clinical Treatment on OLP Patients with Hemorrheology Change 白芍总苷治疗扁平苔藓血液流变学的临床研究
Objective: To establish an animal model of oral lichen planus ( OLP). 前言:目的:建立口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)组织移植动物模型。
Objective To investigate the pathogenesis and carcinogenesis of oral lichen planus ( OLP). 目的探讨口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)癌变及发病机制。
Mucosa tissue and saliva of OLP patients and health controls were investigated for the oral C. 以OLP患者的唾液和病损组织及健康对照者的唾液和健康组织为研究对象,采用真菌培养技术和PAS染色法检测OLP患者唾液和病损组织中的C。
Maxillary growth was inhibited, SNA and the distance from A to OLP plane reduced significantly. 上颌骨生长受到明显抑制,SNA角、A到OLP平面的距离均显著减少。
Conclusion Autoimmunity is one of the etiologies of OLP. 结论本研究支持自身免疫机制是OLP的发病机制之一的观点;
Conclusions Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycoside combined with dexamethasone paste have obvious curative effect on congestive OLP. 结论地塞米松糊剂与雷公藤多甙片联合治疗OLP效果较满意。
In order to quest the relationship between oral lichen planus ( OLP) and systematic diseases, this study was based on the background of digestive diseases in systemic factors, and PCR was applied to detect helicobacter pylori ( HP) in the lesions of 90 OLP cases. 为了探索口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)与系统疾病的关系,本研究以系统因素中的消化系统为背景,应用PCR技术对90例OLP患者进行了幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)检测。
Conclusion The overexpression of EGFR may play an important role in OLP development and progression. 结论EGFR的过表达在OLP的发生、发展过程中可能起着重要的作用。
It indicated that the function of RBC immune adherence is increased. 说明OLP患者红细胞免疫粘附功能较正常人增强,推测这可能是由于CIC增高后红细胞免疫功能的代偿性反应。
Aim To investigate the role of Chinese herb medicine 1023 co. in treating and blocking cancer transformation of precancerous lesion including Oral Leukoplasia ( OLK)? Oral Lichen Planus ( OLP) and discoid lupus erythematosus ( DLE). 目的探讨1023对口腔白斑(OLK)、口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)和盘状红斑狼疮(DLE)等癌前病变的治疗作用和阻断癌变的作用。
Through the study, we discussed the pathogenesis of OLP. 通过本研究,探讨OLP的可能发病机理。
Cicatricial pemphigoid ( CP) and oral lichen planus ( OLP) are both chronic dermo-mucous diseases relating to immunological disorders. To our knowledge, a case with coexistence of these two diseases has not been reported previously. 瘢痕性类天疱疮(CP)和口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)均为与免疫因素密切相关的慢性皮肤黏膜疾病,但尚未见有关两者共存的报道。
Compared with normal oral mucosa, the quantity of PCNA positive cells of OLP increased and color deepened. 与正常口腔黏膜组织比较,PCNA阳性细胞数量增加,染色加深。
The epithelial atrophic change of OLP has close relation with chronic protraction course of disease and region canceration. OLP is listed as precancerous state by WHO. OLP患者的上皮萎缩性改变和慢性迁延病程都与癌变有着密切关系,部分OLP病损中存在上皮异常增生或局部癌变,WHO将OLP归为癌前状态。