Retrograde degeneration and pathologica changes of cervical intervertebral discs are one of causes resulting in cervicodynia and omalgia. 颈椎椎间盘退变及病变是引起颈肩痛的常见原因之一。
Conclusion The shoulder joint kinesitherapy is an effective nursing treatment for omalgia to recover the shoulder joint functions. 结论肩关节运动法能有效地促进漏肩风患者肩关节功能的恢复。
There was no severe complications. Only 2 patients had omalgia and one had acute pelvic infection one week after operation through coitus. 本组无严重并发症,仅发生2例术后肩痛,1例子宫内膜异位症致不孕症患者术后1周性生活而致急性盆腔炎。
Therapeutic Effect of Shoulder Joint Kinesitherapy for Omalgia in Nursing Settings 肩关节运动法应用于漏肩风患者的疗效观察
Treatment of Omalgia due to Thoracic Posterior Articular Disorder by Localized Rotation Pulling Manipulation: A Report of Case 定位旋转扳法治疗胸椎后关节紊乱致肩痛1例
Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Blood Lipid Level in Apoplectic Hemiplegia Patient with Omalgia 针灸对中风后偏瘫肩痛者血脂影响的观察