Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage. 羊也是利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料(刍料)。
Omasum, however, had a well-developed muscularis mucosae, muscularis from tunica muscularis of gastric be central tunica muscularis laying between of both muscularis mucosae, in the big folds. 瓣胃的黏膜肌层发达,大瓣叶内有来自胃壁肌层的肌组织,形成中央肌层,夹于两个黏膜肌层中间。
Study on the Application of Lactic Acid on the Technics of Eliminating Black Membrane of Beef omasum 乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的应用研究
The effect of lactic acid on eliminating black membrane of beef omasum is studied in this paper. 本项试验对乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的作用效果进行了研究。
The stomach included rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. 胃包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃。
Analyzing the motion of ovuie omasum in normal state and the motional regularity was obtained preliminarily. 文中对在正常状态下,绵羊的重瓣胃的运动,进行了分析研究,初步得出其运动规律。
The sensory quality of beef omasum treated with the different concentrations of lactic acid was evaluated with fuzzy mathematics. And the test stated that 2% lactic acid was the best of all. 然后应用模糊数学进行感官评定,研究了不同浓度乳酸处理对牛百叶表面的影响,确定了乳酸的最佳使用浓度为2%;
Study on Regulation of the Vagus on the Spike Activity of Omasum in Sheep 迷走神经对绵羊瓣胃峰电活动调节的研究